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6. -Do you know Harry Potter VI has just    ?

-Really? Can you get     for me?

A. come out; one        B. come up; it

C. come about; that       D. come on; one


5. -Will you go to his birthday party?

-No,    invited to.

A. so as           B. as if

C. as though         D. even if


4. I had    finished my work when my mother called me up.

A. yet  B. hardly  C. nearly  D. finally


3.     of the street there is a book shop.

A. At the end       B. By the end

C. In the end      D. To the end


2. - I’m going to take an exam tomorrow morning.

-    you good luck!

A. Wish   B. Hope   C. To wish    D. Hoping



1. Mr Smith didn’t go to the movie. He went swimming,    .

A. instead of    B. instead

C. too        D. either


5. 你听两个英国本土的人说话的时候,你会发现他们所讲的是不同的英语。

When you hear two        speak English, their English may be different.


4. 因为暴风雨的袭击,地里的庄稼受到了一定的损害。

         the bad storm the crops in the fields are damaged a lot.


3. 如果你来晚了,你应该向老师道歉,可以在当时,也可以在课后。

If you are late you should apologize to the teacher    at that time     after class.


2. 包括6位老人和7名小孩,一共76人参加了这次植树活动。

Seventy six people attended the tree planting, 6 old men and 7 children     .

