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10. The boy lying under the tree lied to his friends that his cock    eggs.

A. lied    B. laid     C. lay     D. lain


9. She felt     about her future.

A. puzzle   B. puzzling   C. puzzled   D. puzzles


8. Everything went well according    the plan.

A. to   B. with   C. for   D. as


7. We suggest that they provide an effective warning system to    many of the disasters    .

A. keep; happening

B. prevent; from happening

C. stop; from being happened

D. prevent; from being happened


6. She started as an office junior, and    became the director of the whole company.

A. in surprise  B. in return  C. in turn    D. in time


5. Freezing winter is harmful    orange trees.

A. for     B. to     C. of       D. at


4. The villagers were often in    clashes with each other in those years before the agreement was reached.

A. interesting B. peaceful  C. violent     D. spiritual


3. He exists     bread and water.

A.on      B. in     C. by       D.with


2. The boiler from excessive pressure of steam    .

A. exploded   B.burst    C. explode     D. erupt



1. It was reported that a plane crash happened last night and most of the passengers were badly     and some 10 died.

A. damaged   B. injured   C. destroyed    D. harmed

