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10. We      he be present at the meeting.

A. insist on  B. insisted    C. stuck   D. insisted on


9. Our country      vegetable.

A. is rich in  B. are rich in

C. was rich on  D. rich for


8. When you are confused about some words in reading, you can      the dictionary.

A. refer to   B. look up  C. check   D. have a look at


7. I      to him. He is too serious.

A. didn’t use to talk     B. am not used to talking

C. am not used to talk    D. didn’t use to talking


6. Seldom      what I says.

A. does my mother care for  B. my mother cared about

C. my mother care for     D. does my mother care about


5. The bedroom is twice      the kitchen.

A. as bigger as   B. bigger than  C. big than  D. bigger to


4.     the good weather, we can climb the mountain easily.

A. Because     B. As    C. Thanks to   D. Because for


3. Two years ago, I     a high school.

A. graduate for   B. graduated from

C. left from     D. left for

