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2112] What do you like to do besides _____?

[译文] 除了游泳外你还喜欢什么?

  A. to swim   B. swim

  C. swimming   D. swam

[答案及简析] B。 but , except, besides 前有动词do,其后的不定式符号要省略。


2111] The mother came in, _____ a cake with ten _____ candles on it and said “Happy Birhtday” to the little girl.

[译文] 妈妈走进来,拿着一个点着十只蜡烛的蛋糕,对小女孩说道,“祝你生日快乐”。

  A. carried; lit   B. carried; lighted

  C. carrying; lighted   D. carrying; lit

[答案及简析] B。 第一空是一个并列的谓语部分,要用过去形式;第二空过去分词作定语,当light的过去分词作前置定语时应该用lighted形式。


2110] -----Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? -----_____.

[译文] --你认为周末要下雨吗?    --我相信不会下雨的。

  A. I don’t believe   B. I don’t believe it

  C. I believe not so   D. I believe not

[答案及简析] D。 用do you think…? 这样的句式提问,通常用I think so / I believe so/ I don’t think so/ I don’tbelieve so / I believe not回答。


2109] If we stand _____, I _____ believe we shall succeed.

[译文] 如果我们坚定我们的立场,我坚决地相信我们会成功的。

  A. firm; firm   B. firmly; firmly

  C. firm; firmly   D. firmly; firm

[答案及简析] C。 firm 作为副词,常构成某些固定的搭配,如:stand firm, hold firm。


2108] We won’t know how the plan works till we have _____.

[译文] 我们通过实施这个计划才知道它如何。

  A. tried it out   B. tried it on

  C. tried out it   D. tried on it

[答案及简析] A。 短语辨析;try out 通过使用检测机器或其它工具等的功能;try on试穿。


2107] The telegram about his father’s illness _____ him hurrying back home.

[译文] 一封关于他父亲生病的电报使得他匆匆赶回家去。

  A. drove   B. caused

  C. made   D. sent

[答案及简析] D。 动词用法辨析。send sb. doing sth. = cause/ drive sb. to do sth. = make sb. do sth.


2106] -----I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.   -----_____.

[译文] --我一直想当一名老师。   --好呀!

  A. How nice!   B. That’s what I want to do. 

  C. Really? Can it be true?   D. I don’t mind hearing that.

[答案及简析] A。 口语。


2105] -----What a pity! I _____ broke the record. -----It doesn’t matter. Try again next time.

[译文] --真遗憾!我差一点就破了纪录。 --没关系,下次再破嘛。

  A. already   B. hardly

  C. all but   D. all over

[答案及简析] C。 all but = almost, nearly差一点点,几乎。


2104] -----How is the article you’re reading? -----It’s no more than an average piece. It’s ____.

[译文] --你看的这篇文章如何?  --很普通的一篇文章,给人没什么印象。

  A. excellent   B. terrible

  C. attractive   D. unimpressive

[答案及简析] D。 no more than = only ,很一般。


2103] Every boy and every girl _____ to attend the evening party to be held the day after tomorrow.

[译文] 每一个男孩和女孩都希望参加后天举行的晚会。

  A. wish   B. wishes

  C. is like   D. like

[答案及简析] B。 主谓一致问题,every… and every…引导的短语作主语,谓语动词用单数。

