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2132] _____ , he can’t educate his child well.

[译文] 尽管他是一个老师,他没能教好自己的孩子。

  A. He is a teacher   B. Being a teacher

  C. Teacher as he is   D. Though a teacher he is

[答案及简析] C。 as 引导的让步状语从句在句首,要部分倒装。


2131] We _____ the sand news from her for fear that she was going to break down.

[译文] 我们不让她知道这条坏消息,担心她会崩溃。

  A. kept out   B. kept away

  C. kept up   D. kept back

[答案及简析] A。 keep out 使在外;keep away 使离开;keep up 保持;keep back阻止。


2130] As soon as she saw me, she _____.

[译文] 她一看见我就大哭起来。

  A. burst out tears   B. burst into tears

  C. broke out tears   D. broke into tears

[答案及简析] B。 burst into tears = burst out crying放声大哭。


2129] The ship sank with 1,500 passengers _______.

[译文] 这首船里连同船上的1,500乘客一起沉没了。

  A. on bard   B. on a board

  C. on the board   D. on the boards

[答案及简析] A。 on board 在船/机上。


2128] He wasn’t agnry _____ you. He was angry ______ missing the film “Titanic”.

[译文] 他不是生你的气。他因错过了电影《泰坦尼克号》而生气。

  A. to; about   B. with; for

  C. with; about   D. of; for

[答案及简析] C。 be angry with sb.生某人的气;be angry about sth.因为某事生气。


2127] We _____ a pleasant journey but for the rain.

[译文] 要不是下雨,我们会有一个愉悦的旅行。

  A. would have   B. will have

  C. had had   D. would have had

[答案及简析] D。 but for表示的是暗含虚拟,意思是:要不是….,很明显这是说的过去了的事,因此就得与过去事实相反,用过去完成时态。


2126] The boy was_____ eager to get a geography book.

[译文] 这个男孩非常渴望得到这本地理书。

  A. more   B. too

  C. much   D. far

[答案及简析] B。 too…to…结构中too后面的形容词或者副词是褒义的话,表示非常…。


2125] The boss went into the house, _____ the five boys _____ in the rain.

[译文] 老板走进了房屋,留下五个孩子站在雨中。

  A. left; standing   B. leaving; standing

  C. left; stand   D. leaving; stand

[答案及简析] B。 此题中的现在分词作状语表示结果;leave sb. doing sth.让某人一直… 。


2124] -----May I make a(n) _____ about the clothes?  ----Certainly.

[译文] --我可以对这些衣服做个评价吗?   --当然可以呀。

  A. statement   B. effort

  C. apology   D. face

[答案及简析] A。 make a statement about…对…作评价。


2123] I have _____ unanswered letters.

[译文] 我有许多没回的信件。

  A. many a   B. a good deal of

  C. masses of   D. a great deal of

[答案及简析] C。 masses of才能修饰可数名词。

