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2182]Though small, the oranges sell _____, because they taste _____.


A. well; nice B. good; well  C. nicely; well  D. nice; good

[答案及简析]A  sell 是不及物动词,不能用被动形式,用副词修饰;taste是连系动词,跟形容词作表语。


2181]After the flood, no house in the village _____.


A. left standing B. was left to stand C. remained standing D. was remained stood

[答案及简析]C   remain 是连系动词,不能用被动形式。


2180] -----Coffee _____ milk?    -----Only milk, please, _____ I used to like coffee.

[译文] --加牛奶的咖啡?   --只要牛奶,而过去我一直喝咖啡。

  A. and; and   B. and; but

  C. or; and   D. or ; but

[答案及简析] B。 coffee and milk 加牛奶的咖啡, 如果用or在答语中就不该用only一词了。


2179] There are ten waitingrooms at the station, _____ in all 20000 people.

[译文] 火车站里有十个候车室,能容纳两万人。

  A. sitting   B. sat

  C. seating   D. seated

[答案及简析] C。 seat及物动词,这儿的意思是“容纳,坐得下…人”, 在句中表示伴随。


2178] He went to the boy, and _____ him on the shoulder, took him away.

[译文] 他走向那个男孩,拍着他的肩膀,把他带走了。

  A. pat   B. patting

  C. patted   D. to pat

[答案及简析] B。 patting on the should 是现在分词短语表示伴随,and是连接went, took两个动作。


2177] He _____ 20 dollars for his old bike the other day and bought a new one.

[译文] 前些天他把旧自行车卖了20美元,然后买了一辆新的。

  A. paid   B. cost

  C. took   D. spent

[答案及简析] C。 pay $ for sth.是花钱买什么;cost 是物作主语;spend $ on sth.与此句结构不对;take $ for sth.是表示“从…得到多少钱”。


2176] We sent letter thanks to _____ had helped us.

[译文] 我们写信感谢那些曾经帮助过我们的人。

  A. who   B. whom

  C. whoever   D. no matter who

[答案及简析] A。 根据首选原则,答案应该在A, C中选择,但此句的意思是感谢那些已经帮助过我们的人,故只能选A。


2175] They began to think about what use could be _____ such materials.

[译文] 他们开始考虑,这样的材料有什么可以利用的。

  A. made up   B. made from

  C. made of   D. made out

[答案及简析] C。 多字动词的考查。make use of 利用。


2174] _____ food are stored in the tunnel in winter.

[译文] 冬天大量的食物储藏在坑道里。

  A. Large quantities of   B. A great many

  C. A large number of   D. Quite a few

[答案及简析] A。 large quantities of后面既可跟可数名词的复数又可跟不可数名词。


2173] Are you planning to stay there all _____ the summer?

[译文] 你打算整个夏天都呆在那儿呀?

  A. over   B. along

  C. through   D. around

[答案及简析] C。 all through the summer整个夏天。

