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35. You should take control of your life ______ it is planning coursework or picking a major.

A. whenever          B. whether           C. whatever       D. no matter


34.  – Excuse me, would you lower your voice or use your mobile phone outside?

    – Oh, sorry… I ______.

A. don’t realize        B. hadn’t realized      C. didn’t realize       D. haven’t realized


33. She swept the soil away and found herself standing on ______ seemed a pavement.

A. what              B. which            C. who             D. that


32. It’s the embarrassment of refusing to jump ______ persuades him to conquer his fear of heights.

A. which            B. that        C. how         D. what


31. ______ in the northwest of China, Xi’an is seen as the birthplace of the country’s civilization.

A. Locating          B. Being located       C. To locate             D. Located


30. In the U.S., ______ a tip is thought to be polite when paying the bill.

A. leave            B. having left        C. leaving           D. being left


29. The family moved to Miami three years ago, and this house ______ vacant ever since.

    A. is             B. was             C. has been         D. had been


28. A little carelessness while driving ______ cost the driver his life.

A. must             B. shall             C. need             D. may


27.  – Do you regret having paid so much for the trip to Maldives?

– No. Since it’s worthwhile, I’d gladly pay ______ for it.

A. twice as much       B. twice so much       C. twice as many       D. twice so many


26. The agreement was made quickly as both sides were satisfied with the conditions of _____.

    A. another           B. others            C. the other          D. either

