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27. Too many hotels have been built and this has _____ prices, making holidays cheaper.

  A. cut short   B. cut out   C. cut off   D. cut down


26. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.

A. adaptable B. acceptable  C. advisable  D. available

[答案] D. available.

[注释] available. (=capable of being used; that may be obtained) 可用的, 有效的, 可得到的。例如:1) There are no doctors available in the remote areas. (在边远地区没有大夫。) 2) There tickets are available for on month. (这些票有效期一个月。)

acceptable 可以接受的:None of the suggestions was acceptable. advisable 明智的, 可取的, 适当的:I think it advisable that he be assigned to the job. (我认为指派他干这项工作是可取的。) adaptable 能适应的:He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work.


25. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity.

  A. fulfillment    B. achievement 

  C. establishment   D. accomplishment

[答案] B. achievement

[注释]achievement (=something successfully finished or gained especially through skill and hard work) 取得, 达到, 成就。例如:achievement age智力成熟年龄。fulfilment (=the act of fulfilling or condition of being fulfilled) 履行, 实行。如:He was willing to face any hardship in fulfilment of his duties. (他愿意迎向困难去履行他得职责。) establishment 建立,建设。Accomplishment (顺利) 完成:It was a great accomplishment to finish the house cleaning in two days. (两天内打扫完这栋屋子是件很了不起的事。)


24. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

  A. treated   B. adopted   C. adjusted   D. remedied

[答案] C. adjusted.

[注释]adjust (=arrange, put in order or agreement; make suitable or convenient for use) 强调, 调节, 使适应; The body adjusts itself to change of temperature. (身体能自行调节以适应温度的变化。) My eyes have not been adjusted to dark yet. (我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。) 本句中adjust是不及物动词。I must adjust my watch. It's slow. (我必须调一下我的表。它走得慢了。)


22. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.

A. attained   B. achieved   C. required   D. acquired

[答案] D. acquired.

[注释]acquired (=gain for oneself by skill or ability, by one's own efforts or behavior) (由技术、能力、努力或行为) 获得; 得到:He has acquired a good command of English language. (他已精通英语。) achieve, vt. 取得 (胜利、成功等) , 实现 (目标、目的等) 。 attain, vt. 达到 (目的等) , 取得 (成就等) :1) I hope you will attain your object. (我希望你会达到你的目的。) 2) He attained success through hard work. 23. This is the _____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

  A. actual   B. genuine   C. real   D. original

[答案] A. actual  [注释]本题中actual (=existing in fact, not imaginary) 实际使用过的。actual, read, genuine是同义词, 有时可以互换, 如:an actual (or real) event in history, (历史上的真实事件) , real (or genuine) banknotes (真钞票), 其反义词是false (假的) ; original (原来的) , 其反义词是duplicate (复制的) 。从不同的角度看, 似乎任何一个选择都说得过去, 但按照题意选A. actual 最佳, 因为题中强调的不是钢琴的真假, 而是指作曲家“实际使用过的”。本题译文:这是作曲家创作他的一些杰出作品时实际使用过的那台钢琴。


21. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.

A. charged   B. accused   C. blamed   D. deprived

[答案] B. accused.

[注释]accuse sb. of... 控告某人犯有......, warn sb. of警告、告戒某人有......deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某事。charge sb. with murder (指控某人犯有杀人罪) 。


20. His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.

A. place   B. effect  C. post   D. office、

[答案] B. effect.  [注释]take effect 生效。


19. On this happy occasion, I'd like to say that we are _____ much obliged to you for your kind cooperation.

A. even so  B. ever so  C. as yet  D. so far

[答案] B. ever so.

[注释]ever so (=very) 非常; It's ever so cold.与名词搭配时则用ever such, 如:She's ever such a nice girl. (她是一位非常好的姑娘。) even so (=although that is true, nevertheless; still) 即使如此:The fire was out, but even so, the smell of smoke was strong. (=The fire was out, but the smell was still there.)


18. The car was completely _____ and the driver seriously injured.

A. broken off B. taken off C. written off D. picked up

[答案] C. written off.[注释] write off报废, 参看III, 200.注释; break off参看III.13.注释; take off参看III.170.注释; pick up参看III.130,129.注释。


17. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _____ common.

A. nothing but   B. anything but  C. above all   D.rather than

[答案] B. anything but.

[注释] anything but (=far from being) 根本不; The boys knew they bad broken the rules, and they were anything but happy when they were called to the office. (=They were unhappy and afraid.) nothing but 只不过; Don't have him for a friend; he's nothing but a criminal. (不要把他当朋友, 他只不过是个罪犯。) I have nothing but two dollars. (我只有2美元。) above all最重要的。rather than 而不是

