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12. --- Did you see the headmaster in his office just now?

--- Yes, he________by a journalist from our local newspaper.

A. has been interviewed                B. had been interviewed

   C. is being interviewed                D. was being interviewed


11. This ipod is of good quality. If it ________ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.

A. would     B. should    C. could      D. might


10. I think it must have been in the restaurant ________ we had our dinner ________ I lost my keys.

A. that; when    B. that; that    C. where; that  D. which; that 


9. She’ll never forget her trip there ________ she first met her lifelong friend who married her two years ago.

A. that       B. which      C. where     D. when


8. They became friends again that day. Until then, they ______ to each other for nearly  two years.

A. didn’t speak  B. haven’t been speaking   C. haven’ t  spoken   D. hadn’t spoken


7. He kept a notebook, in which ________ the telephone numbers and email addresses of his friends.

A. wrote    B. have written    C. was written  D. were written


6. They suggested the professor ________ just now ________ chairman of the meeting.

A. referring to; was made         B. referring to; be made

C. referred to; be made          D. referred to; was made 


5. An explosion blew the roof off an unstable reactor north of Tokyo, ________ fears of a disaster at a nuclear plant ________ in the massive earthquake that hit Japan.

A. to raise; to be damaged         B. raising; damaging 

C. raising; damaged            D. raised; being damaged


4. The number of those missing in the New Zealand’s quake was reported more than 200, including those recovered bodies that have yet to be ________. 

A. judged     B. recognized    C. identified     D. confirmed


3. In his latest article he insists regular exercises ________ good health.

A. arrange for   B. reach for    C. make for    D. hunt for

