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22. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Successful management is highly praised in women.

  B. Some women will be disappointed by the massage.

  C. Men acting like a lady are likely to be promoted at work.

  D. The latest study was aimed at how to become a successful boss.


21. The ambitious women in the latest study ______.

  A. had been promoted only once or twice

  B. tried hard to be as successful as gentle types

  C. were more accepted at work after they controlled their behavior

  D. filled in the surveys after they graduated from college


20. According to the passage, if an ambitious woman and a similar man both ask the company for

  an extra payment, ______.

  A. the woman is less likely to be accepted

  B. the woman will work harder if she gets the payment

  C. the man can make a good impression on the boss

  D. they can be both accepted if they use proper words


19. What does the underlined word “penalized” mean in the second paragraph?

  A. Treated badly                            B. Asked to leave

  C. Looked down upon                        D. Made sb. have a disadvantage


10. The accident ______ a driver who accidentally killed a pet dog was made to kneel before the

  dead animal for an hour by its owner shocked many people.

  A. which             B. what             C. when            D. where

Ⅱ.Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

   Smoking in public places has been banned in China since January, 2011. Those public places include indoor public working spaces, public transportation vehicles and some 11.______ special outdoor working spaces.

  Should smoking be banned in public places? In my opinion, it is really necessary.

  Firstly, 12.______ will not only help save smokers from various kinds of health problems, but will also be beneficial to passive smokers. 13. ______ banning smoking in public places will put pressure 14. ______ smokers to quit. Thirdly, from the economic point of view, smoking is 15. ______ major contributor to many diseases and results 16.______ absence from work, 17.______ banning smoking in and around offices can increase work productivity. Additionally, from the environmental point of view, smoking cigarettes adds to the air pollution. Therefore, if smoking is banned, it will help prevent the environment from becoming 18. ______.

 III  Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following three passages., Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

  Women who want to succeed at work should resist the temptation to act like men, scientists have said. Studies show that ambitious women are often less likely to get ahead than those who show more female characteristics. However, if they try to adapt, promotion comes their way. The findings, which will let assertive (过分自信的) women down, suggest that the best way for a woman to succeed in a man’s world is to act like a lady.

  Past research has shown that women with self-confidence and other characteristics linked with successful management can be put aside at work in favor of gentle types. It is thought that while such characteristics are highly praised in men, ambitious women are penalized for not being feminine enough. Instead of being seen as strong managers, ambitious women are in an unfavorable situation.

  In one US study, researchers explored personal details from university students applying for a summer job at a bank. A women applicant who attempted to apply for special wages to pay her transport or living costs was three and a half times less likely to get a job offer than a similar male. In fact, this kind of woman was the least likely to get taken on.

  The latest study set out to explore what women who are naturally assertive could do to get ahead in the workplace. Eighty young men and women completed surveys about their personality while studying in college. Around eight years later, the researchers got back in touch with them to find out how their careers were going. Some had been promoted five times, others just once or twice. The results showed that ambitious women who stick to their decisions had been promoted less than more feminine groups. But the ambitious women who made a conscious effort to not appear to be threatening by “self-controlling” their behavior had done better than those who had carried on ignoring others’ views.


9. It is said that nobody in the world can lift a subject which is ______ himself.

  A. the tree times weight of                   B. three times the weight of

  C. as three times as heavy as                 D. three times as heavier as


8. After ______ seemed an endless effort, the patient was finally able to carry out what seemed a  perfect normal walk.

  A. that               B. what             C. it               D. which


7. ---Why didn’t you phone the first-aid centre?

  ---______, but I couldn’t get through.

  A. I did to             B. I did not          C. I tried to          D. I tried so.


6. ---Would you give my money back ______ there be something wrong with the machine?

  ---Of course, as long as that happens within the first week.

  A. should             B. could            C. might            D. would


5. ---It is so late. Why must you ring him up now?

  --- I’m sorry, I _____.

  A. don’t notice         B. didn’t notice       C. haven’t noticed     D. won’t notice

