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36. A. relief     B. challenge     C. choice       D. duty


40. .--Congratulations to you! I hear you got the first in the English Speech Contest. -- ____.

A. Don't mention it. I think that's only my past              B. Thanks. But I think I could have done better

C. There's nothing to cheer for                           D. No, no. It's a piece of cake

完型:Twenty-year-old Alison works as a gas station assistant. She is a single mother looking after her son and is finding it a  36   to support herself and her child on her  37   salary.

When she found a lottery(彩票) card that has three  38   $ 75,000 square exposed, she could have demanded the prize money.

The thought did  39   in her mind for a moment, like many temptations(诱惑) that come in and out of our minds. But Alison  40   by some principles, one of them being “honesty is the best policy.”

She  41   not to keep the winning card. When she found out the  42   of the card, a man in his 70s, was  43   searching for it, she handed the card back to him.

The man had accidently  44   the card at the gas station on the way to demand his  45  . When he discovered his loss, he and his daughter went back the way they had come and  46   returned to the gas station.

Some people may say that Alison returned the winning card out of  47   that the owner might return to look for it  48   that the lottery stands would keep an eye on this case. But many Australians were  49   by her honesty. Even the man who found his winning card was so happy that he wanted to  50   her $100. You might say that the amount is too  51   as a percentage of the winning, but do you know that Alison actually  52   the $100, saying that it was too much of a reward.

Alison’s  53   was picked up by the various media. Some Australians sent her some  54   to acknowledge her honesty. Her employer also  55   some reward money. She even got a free holiday to a destination of her choice. 


39. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ___seemed to be more than 150km / ph __ I thought was a dangerous speed.  A. as , that         B. what , which        C. what , what      D. which , which


38. ___ the classroom needs to be cleaned. A. Either the offices or B. The offices and C. Both the office and D. The office and


37. -----___I call him back since you are in such poor health?  ----No, you needn’t. I’d rather he ___ disturbed.

A. Shall; wasn’t      B. Shall; isn’t           C. Should; hadn’t been                D. May; shouldn’t be


36. The lecture was wonderful yesterday. You___come, but why didn’t you? A should B ought to have C may have D.must have


35. So popular ___ that the young generation are dying for one.

A. has iPhone 4 become    B. iPhone 4 has become    C. had iPhone 4 become         D. iPhone 4 had become


34. The high-speed one-way run between Beijing and Shanghai will be 5 hours, one more hour than ____.

A. to plan                    B. planned                     C. planning         D. plan


33. It’s too bad that I’ve left my notebook in the dormitory. If only I ___ it back last night!

A. didn’t take                B. haven’t taken               C. hadn’t taken           D. wouldn’t take


32. What some people don’t realize is __ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.

      A. that                         B. how                     C. why                   D. what

