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61. It is not rare in_______ that people in_______ fifties are going to university for further education.

  A. 90s; the     B. the 90s;their   C. the 90s; /     D. 90s; their


60. Our team lost. It was a good game, _____.

  A. although    B. as though    C. though    D. still


59. ------I can't find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

  ------It was in the hotel _____ he stayed.

  A. that      B. where     C. which    D. the one


58. The door and the windows were all closed and there was no ______ of forced entry.

  A. scene     B. show   C. sign   D. sight


57. There's no bus now, and we can't get home _______ by taxi.

A. rather than   B. other than   C. more than   D. less than


56.------He isn’t ________ about his food .

   ------Yes , he eats ______ anything .

 A.special ; nearly  B.especial ; mostly  C.particular ; almost  D.unusual; possibly


55.If  no one ______ the lost umbrella, the person who found it can keep it .

  A. claims    B. demands    C. asks   D. deserves


54. He studied very hard all the time because he didn't want to _____in his studies.

  A. fall behind  B. be left behind  C. left behind  D. Both A and B


53. Always read the ______on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.

  A. explanations   B. instructions   C. descriptions   D. introductions


52. Don’t ______ your carelessness. It may lead to serious problems.

   A. improve   B. keep   C. impress     D. ignore

