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81. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____.

  A. hurt   B. harmed   C. damaged   D. spoiled


80.Before Tom left home, his mother kept telling him to ________ his manners at the party.

  A. mind   B. notice   C. watch    D. care


79.Word comes that free souvenirs  will be given to _______ comes first.

  A.no matter whom  B.whomever  C.no matter who   D.whoever


78. I couldn’t afford the ticket, so I had to watch the ______TV broadcast of Sun Nan’s concert at home.

  A. lively   B. live   C. alive  D. living 


77.. I _____ her not to walk on the thin ice but she would not listen to me.

A. warned   B. persuaded   C. suggested   D. noticed


76. So far 6 Chinese Americans have been _____the Nobel Prize for their outstanding contribution to science.

  A. rewarded   B. awarded   C. shown   D. offered


75. Why? I have nothing to confess. I really have no idea ____________you want me to say.

  A. that what it is  B. what is it that   C. what it is that   D. that it is what


74.Your performance in the driving test didn't reach the required standard- __________ , you failed.

  A.in the end   B.after all   C. in other words   D.in all


73.Whoever has_______sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health.

A.normal    B.general    C.ordinary     D.common


72. He was so pleased with all ______ we had done for him _____ he wrote us a letter to praise us for it.

A. what; what  B. what; that   C. that; what   D. that; that 

