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142.[答案]A. composed of.

 [详解]be composed of由......组成。Consist of由......组成,是不及物动词,不能用被动语态,故不合题意。


141.[答案]B. comply.[详解]comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule, etc.)遵守:People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.(拒绝遵守法律者将受到惩罚。)conform(to)使一致,符合;conform to rules符合规则;conform to the customs of society(遵从社会习俗);consent to 同意,赞同;consent to a plan(赞同计划)。


140.[答案]D. fluctuations.



139.[答案]A. diagnosed.[详解]diagnose...as 把......诊断为......。本题译文:玛丽的病现已诊断为肝炎。


138.[答案]C. arise.[详解]arise(=come into being, appear, happen)产生,发生:Difficulties will arise as we do the work.(我们做这项工作时将会发生困难。)arouse 唤起,激起,唤醒;rise 上升;abide (by)遵守。



137.[答案]A. Incidentally.[详解]incidentally(=by the way)附带地,顺便:Fred said, incidentally, that he had no dinner.(顺便提一下,福来德那时说,他还没吃晚饭。)accidentally(=by chance)偶然地:I met with an old friend of mine accidentally last week.(上星期我偶然碰到一位老朋友。)occasionally (=from time to time, not regularly)不时地,偶尔:We get visitors here occasionally.(我们偶尔在此接游客。)subsequently(=afterwards, later) At first we thought we would go; but subsequently we learned we were needed at home.(起初,我们想离开;但随后我们得知家里需要我们。)


136.[答案]A. process.[详解]process(=connected series of actions, or series of operations) 过程:By what process is cloth made form wool?(经过什么过程羊毛织成呢料?)practice(=the doing of something of, performance or repeated exercise, etc.)实习,练习;开业: She is doing her practice at the piano.(她在练习弹钢琴。)procedure(=the regular order of doing things)程序:the usual procedure at a meeting(开会的通常程序)。Program(=plan of what is to be done or list of items or events)课程,计划,大纲:What is the program for tomorrow ?(明天上什么课?)


135.[答案]D. make out.[详解]make out(=identify and see with effort or difficulty)辨认出。see through参阅Ⅲ,151,注释:此处see through还可表示“看穿......(=understand the real meaning of or reason for; realize the falseness of)”: 1)The teacher saw through the boy's story of having to help at home. (=The teacher knew his story was not true; it was just an excuse.) 2) He can't fool her. She sees him through every time.

 see off送行;make up构成,组成,拼凑;弥补,赔偿;化装,编造:1)编造:John made up the joke about the talking dog. 2)弥补:Bob must make up the work he missed. 3)凑足: We need one more to make up the dozen. 4)化装: The actors were making up when we arrived. 5)构成:Nine players make up a team.


134.[答案]B. left.[详解]leave sb./sth. alone不惹,不管,不碰:Leave the box alone.(别碰那个盒子。)


133.[答案]B. gap.[详解]generation gap 代沟。

 division分,划分;separation分开;interval间隔,间隙;(幕间或工间)休息。at intervals 不时,时时

