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62. A. opportunities.[详解]opportunity常指“ (难得的应抓住的) 机会”, 既可作可数名词, 也可以作不可数名词用, 如:I had few opportunities of meeting interesting people there. They had not much opportunity for hearing good music in the remote area.


61. D. certain.[详解]I am sure that +从句。He is sure to come. = He is certain to come.但在it作形式主语, that引导主语从句时, 主句中表语只能用certain, 不能用sure.


60. D. charged.

 [详解]be charged with受指控犯有......; He was charged with murder. (他受指控犯有凶杀罪。)


59. C. piling.[详解] pile up (=lay in a pile or as if in a pile) 把......放成一堆, 堆积:pile up the books on the table (把书堆在桌子上) 。Pile up作不及物动词用, 意为“积压; (若干汽车) 相撞”:1) Perishable goods are piling up at the docks. (码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。) 2) Several cars piled up after ignoring the fog warning on the motorway. (由于无视高速公路上的大雾警告, 有好几辆汽车相撞。)


58. A. take.[详解]take charge of (=to be or become responsible for sb. or sth.) 负责、掌管、看管; He took charge of the department (or the children)


57. D. conservation.[详解] conservation 保存(自然资源等) the conservation of soil and water 水土保持; the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律。observation观察; reservation (旅馆房间、戏院座位等的) 预定; 保留 (意见) ; [美]保留地:1) Have you make your reservations? (你预定了没有?) 2) I will accept the suggestion without reservation. (我将毫无保留地接受这项建议。) 3) The government has set apart Indian reservations. (政府已经划出印地安人保留地。) preservation保存 We must strive for the preservation of our natural resources. (我们必须努力保护自然资源)conservation, preservation, reservation从汉语概念出发时很容易混淆。Conservation是动词conserve派生的名词, 与原来动词的意义相同, 表示"保持、保存”时, 强调“珍惜、节用。 Preservation是动词preserve派生的名词, 强调“收藏、保存”使之完好无损或质量不变; 常与食品、博物馆收藏的展品等词搭配。Reservation主要指意见、看法等的“保留”; 作“保留地”解时, 尤指美国印地安人保留地或澳大利亚土著民族保留地。本题指自然生态的保持, 用conservation最切题。本题译文:这个珍禽巢居的岛已宣布为自然保护区。


56.  D. proceeded.[详解]proceed form (=arise form) 来自; 由......产生:1) Clouds of smoke proceeded form the chimney. (从烟囱里升起缕缕浓烟。) 2) This proceeded from ignorance. (这是出于无知。)

 [注意] proceed 的其他用法: (=go on [to do sth.]; continue) 接着 (做某事) ; 继续进行; 1) He proceeded to give me a vivid description of the mountainous scenery there. (他接着给我栩栩如生地描述那里的山区景色。) 2) 接介词with; Now please proceed with your story. (现在请你接着将下去。) 3) 接介词to: We will now proceed to the next business. (我们现在将接着干下面的一件事。) 4) 准备取得 (某种学位) :He will proceed to the degree of M.A. this year. (他准备今年取得文科硕士学位。)



55.  C. or else.[详解]or else (=otherwise; if not) 否则:Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.


54.  A. outline.[详解]outline 轮廓, 概要; give an outline of sth. 概要说明某事。


53. C. across.[详解]参阅III,64注释。本题译文, 我们怎样才能把这个语言点向学生讲清楚?

