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3. Upon reading the notice all the staff of the company stood there     , looking at each other.

    A. no speaking    B. speechlessly   C. speechless     D. did not speaking


2.     eager to get access to the president, the boy in northern America wrote a letter to him.

    A. Much      B. Too      C. As        D. So


1. Attention!     in the form right now , making sure that every detail supplied is accurate .

    A. Filling      B. Fill       C. To fill      D. Being filled


20.------Thank you for helping me yesterday!

------_________ !  Nice to see you again.

A. With pleasure        B. Never mind

C. My pleasure        D. Never say that



19.______land is improved by sowing it with various seeds, ______ is the mind by exercising it with different studies.

A. As; as         B. As; so      C. If; so     D. When; so


18.His parents didn’t think that he had got the first prize in the English contest , ______ ?

A. hadn’t he     B. did they     C. didn’t they   D. had he


17.______ more and more people in the countryside are moving to the cities for better job opportunities , Li Ming , instead , who has decided to stay in hometown , determined to set up a nursing house for the old.

A. Because     B. Even if     C. If     D. While


16.It’s high time you ______ to the station earlier , because it is the first that you ______ here.

A. went; got            B. went; have got  

C. have gone; got          D. have gone; have got


15.------ Now , where is my keys ?

------______ ! We’ll be late for the  picnic .

A. Take your time         B. Don’t worry

C. Come on            D. Take it easy


14.______ , we’ll go for an outing.

A. Being a fine day         B. As being a fine day

C. It was a fine day         D. It being a fine day

