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14. You ________ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. can not      B. should     C. must    D. needn't


13. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ____________

  A. have survived       B. are to survive  

C. would survive       D. will survive


12. It is the protection for the trees___________ really  matters, rather than how many trees are planted. w.

A. what            B. that

C. 不填            D. which


11. We can’t go on with the experiment because the computer_________.

  A. hasn’t been repaired     B. hasn’t repaired

C. is not repaired        D. hadn’t been repaired


10. You can't see the___________ now for they are having a meeting at the moment.

A. editor-in-chiefs      B. by an hour  

C. by hour           D. each hour


9. The two sides have finally___________, though some small differences still exist.

A. made a decision        B. reached an agreement

C. settled down          D. broken up


8. He has a part - time job and was paid___________.

A. by the hour   B. by an hour   C. by hour     D. each hour


7. The sunlight came in____________ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through     B. across     C. by hour     D. each hour


6. The harder you work,____________.

A. the greater progress you'll make

B. the greater you'll make progress

C. you'll make the greater progress

D. you'll make greater progress


5. --Do you like the material?

--Yes, it ___________ very soft.

A. is feeling    B. felt     C. feels     D. is felt

