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35. With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken    color.

A. by        B. for        C. with      D. in


34.The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase       .

A. then     B. those       C. it        D. that


33. Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired,    on you feet.

A. to keep      B. keeping       C. having kept      D. to have kept


32. -Bob has gone to California.

-Oh, can you tell me when he     ?

A. has left   B. left   C. is leaving  D. would leave


31. The shocking news made me realize     terrible problems we would face.

A. what   B. how   C. that  D. why


30. Maybe if I    science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.

A. studied   B. would study  C. had studied   D. was studying


29.    volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball.

A. Since   B. Once   C. Unless   D. While


28. -Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.

-I wish they     always late.

A. weren’t   B. hadn’t been  C. wouldn’t be   D. wouldn’t have been

