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6.If you are still choking after six tries,you should ________.

A.keep a sense of humor

B.call 911 and leave the line open

C.use your hand or clean cotton

D.lie down with your hands behind your neck

解析:细节理解题。由Choking部分中的内容可知在六次尝试之后,还不起作用就要拨打911;leave the line open。



Besides calling 911,here is what to do in some life­threatening emergencies when no one is around to help.

该句使用了倒装句式,what to do...是主语,其中when引导的从句在句中作时间状语。



5.When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness,you know ________.

A.someone is bleeding

B.someone is choking

C.someone is lost

D.someone is attacked by a bear

解析:细节理解题。由Lost in the wilderness部分中的内容可知可能有人迷路了。



a sense of humor  幽默感

make...out of  用……制成……

look sb.in the eyes  直视某人


acknowledge /ək'nɒlIdʒ/ vt.  承认

vessel /vesl/  n.  [生物]血管,导管;器皿


4.The last paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A.how to keep secrets from parents

B.how to deal with the mother­daughter relationship

C.how to conduct the lives

D.how the generation gap comes about

解析: 段落主旨题。此段大意是:传统地认为母亲有教育孩子们一生如何生活的权力,而孩子们随着年龄的增长,他们不愿将自己的秘密告诉父母,从而产生了代沟。因此本段主要阐述的是代沟是如何产生的。



词数 255 难度系数 ★★ 建议用时 6′

(2011·合肥模拟)Besides calling 911,here is what to do in some life­threatening emergencies when no one is around to help.

Lost in the wilderness

First,you've got to acknowledge you're in trouble.Stay where you can be seen clearly and remember to rest.Keeping a sense of humor helps too-it reduces stress and helps creative thinking.In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show your present position.


Aim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach,in the soft part below the bony upside­down V of the ribs (肋骨).Make a sudden push against the chair.If you still can't breathe after six tries,call 911,even if you can't talk.Write the word choking somewhere nearby,and leave the line open until help arrives.

Severe bleeding

Use your hand or clean cotton,or paper towels,or a scarf,or any cloth you can find,and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops.But if you put a band around your leg tightly,you're going to close the vessels (血管) to the entire leg.In this way,you could lose your foot.

Bear attack

If you surprise a bear,don't run away.That invites an attack.Instead,stand up and back away slowly,without looking the bear in the eyes.If it does charge (猛冲) at you,stick out your chest,raise your arms,and spread your legs.Shout at the bear,to frighten it.If it's going to attack,lie facedown,with your hands held firmly behind your neck.Play dead until you're sure the bear is gone.


3.Which question is NOT answered in the interview?

A.How does she think of her mother's language?

B.How many books does she plan to write?

C.When did she visit China?

D.How is generation gap created?




2.What's TRUE about Tan's second book?

A.It's about her real life in America.

B.The name of the book is The Joy Luck Club.

C.It is the result of many times of careful thought.

D.It includes many works of her mother.

解析:细节判断题。根据文中的it took me six or seven attempts at a second novel before I started and completed this one可知,Tan在完成这部书的写作之前曾经历过六、七次尝试,说明这本书是她经过多次深思熟虑的产物。



That's because it took me six or seven attempts at a second novel before I started and completed this one.



语篇解读:这是一篇人物访谈纪实。通读这篇访谈录,我们可以了解华裔美国作家Ms Tan创作第二部作品的经历。

1.Based on the questions in this interview,what do you think Ms Tan's profession is?

A.A journalist.      B.A storywriter.

C.An interviewer.            D.An interviewee.

解析: 推理判断题。根据文中的“your new novel,a second novel”等关键词及访谈内容可知,Ms Tan是一名小说家。C、D两项有一定的干扰性,注意题干中问的是“profession(职业)”。



refer to...as...  认为……是……

remind sb.of...  使某人想起……


emotional /I'məuʃənl/ adj.


generalize /'dʒenərəlaIz/v.概括;归纳

intense /In'tens/ adj.紧张的,极端的

