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26. Because of the _____, we can’t go high up to the mountains without the oxygen tanks.

           A. smelly gas        B. cold weather  C. high altitude       D. frozen water


25. I am ______ to set out as early as possible since time is limited.

           A. decided       B. determined C. minded    D. suggested


24.-I’m afraid that she won’t come to help me as she promised.

        -Don’t worry. Nothing will ______her mind if she has ______up her mind.

           A. change; made      B. turn; done  C. grow; given        D. make; changed


23. I______him carefully, because he was so angry.

        A. dealt         B. did      C. handled       D. exchanged


22. We ______him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen.

        A. persuaded         B. managed      C. advised    D. managed to advise


第一节  单元要点, 选择最佳答案填空。 10分

21. Even though she has many ______, I _______ any less.

        A. faults; don’t fond of her     B. shortcomings; don’t love her

        C. errors; don’t like her      D. mistakes, am not fond of her


第三节  短文写作 20 分

给你的笔友Fred写信,告诉他你很高兴收到他9月12日的信,同时告诉他你现在英语学习中遇到的一些困难,例如遗忘所学过的单词和词组,对一些习惯用语和语法规则未能弄懂,在学习中常犯错误等。请教他帮助你提一些如何学习好英语的建议。你叫李英,在荆州市第一中学高一(三)班学习, 发信日期为2011年9月14日。全文100~120词。 


第二节 根据所给汉语,用题后括号中的英语提示完成句子  15分

76. Visitors              (要求游客别照相) in the museum.(request)

77. Women           ( 起积极作用) in social life . (role) 78. The reporter asked the writer who he              (以谁为原型的).( base)

79. The police arrived quickly and took              (控制局势).( command)

80. At present,heavy snow            (阻塞了所有的道路)into Scotland. (block)

81. He           (直接去了)New York,without stopping in Hong Kong.( straight)

82. It’s raining harder             (以前更大).(ever)

83.             (由于你的关心), I find life is full of hope.( because)

84. He knows several languages,           (例如英语),French and German.(such)

85. With so much work to do, you           (你要上班)work on Saturday.(expect)

