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26. I______my son not to walk beside the river, but he wouldn’t listen.

    A. suggested     B. hoped         C. warned       D. persuaded


25.-I suppose you haven’t finished that report yet.

    -I finished it yesterday, _______.

  A. in this way  B. as far as I know C. as a matter of fact   D. in a word


24. The leaders from six countries are discussing whether it is necessary to_____a special committee to deal with the worldwide terror attack.

    A. put up    B. set up    C. build up      D. found up


23. Don’t worry. There is no entrance______to the gallery.

     A. fare   B. pay   C. salary  D. fee


22. When they awoke the next morning, they were surprised to find a ___ of fog floating in the air.

    A. cover     B. blanket  C. piece     D. mixture


第一节  单元要点, 选择最佳答案填空。10分

21.They are of______height, but I think Robert______the job.

  A. equally; is equal     B. equal; is equal to

  C. equal; equals        D. equally; is equaled  


第三节  短文写作。 20分

假如你是学生会主席, 请根据下面图表, 用英语写一则春游的通知。

回来后讨论。2.在山顶野餐, 要自带午餐和饮料。3.参加者在本周四前到学生会报名。

注意:1.通知必须包括表内所列内容, 可以适当调整内容的顺序和增加细节, 使其连贯, 完整。

2. 词数:100左右。

3. 通知时间:4月24日

4. 生词:植物园the botanical garden; 报名sign up for; 学生会the Students’ Union. 


第二节  根据所给汉语,用题后括号中的英语提示完成句子。15分

76.              (已是深夜)when we found the cave.(it)

77.On that mountain              (有一座庙宇)at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level.(lie)

78.            (明亮的火焰)burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil.(flame)

79. The shop sells            (很好的枕头)and quilts .( wool)

80. I have been working here                 (自从大学毕业之后).(since)

81. She                 (将班上分成)four groups. (organize)

82. The stubborn man        (不得不妥协)in the end and give up the plan.(give)

83. She               (宁愿讲实话)to lying.(prefer)

84.You’d better find a large atlas with good maps                (明细图)the world’s geography.(detail)

85. It’s I                (要去的是我)Thailand next Wednesday.(leave)

