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57. What does the underlined part “gain an edge ” in Paragraph 2 mean ?

  A. Increase the speed.   B. Get an advantage.

  C. Reach the limit.    D. Set a goal



In business, there’s a speed difference: It's the difference between how important a firms leaders say speed is to their competitive (竞争的) strategy(策略)and how fast the company actually moves. The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. Companies fearful or losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that chose to go, go, go to try to gain an edge ended with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track, What’s more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up “improved their top and bottom lines ,averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating  incomes over a three-years period.

How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better ? They thought differently about what “slower “and “faster” mean. Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operation speed (moving quickly ) and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value ). Simply increasing the speed of production, for example , may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference . But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower-quality products and services.

In our study, high performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary . They became more open to idea and discussion. They encouraged new ways of thinking. And they allowed time to look and learn. By contrast (相比而言). Performance suffered at firms that moved falt all the among their employer , and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership . Teams that regularly take time to get things right , rather than plough ahead full bore , are more successful in meeting their business goals . That kind of strategy must come from the top.


44. Which of the following words best describes the work of the MAP?

   A. Difficult. B.Dangerous. C. Experimental.D. Successful.



43.How does the MAP decide on the message for a mural?

   A. By having discussions with people in the community.

   B .By seeking advice from the city government.

   C .By learning from the young graffiti writers.

   D. By studying the history of the city.


42. What is the Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia aimed at?

   A. Helping the young find jobs.

   B. Protecting the neighborhood.

   C. Fighting against graffiti.

   D. Attracting more visitors.


41.What can be the best title for the text?

   A. Love, from Graffiti Writers to Muralists

   B. MAP, a New Company in Philadelphia

   C. Jane, an Excellent Mural Artist

   D. Hope, One Wall at a Time



Since 1984, Philadelphia has been cleaning up its act. One by one, graffiti-covered walls are being changed into outdoor art. So far, more than 1,800 murals(壁画)have been painted.Philadelphia now has more murals than any other American city.

The walls that were once ugly with graffiti(涂鸦)are now covered with beautiful pictures of historical heroes and modern art, thanks to the Mural Arts Program (MAP). Its work makes schools  and public places attractive, and its citizens very proud. The program began as part of Philadelphia's Anti-Graffiti Network. Jane Golden is the MAP's artistic director. "When people ask me what ow program is about," she says, "I answer them with one word: hope." Each .year, the MAP offers youth art programs and workshops. Some one-time graffiti writers even help paint MAP murals.

 The MAP's work, says Golden, is all about developing a sense of community(社区).When a neighborhood requests a mural, the MAP works with the people there to develop a message. Some messages have been "Safe Streets," "Love and Care," and "Peace Walk."

The MAP receives up to 50 requests for murals each week. Last year, the workers painted 140 murals.

 "The making of a mural enters people's collective memory as an extraordinary, pleasant moment in neighborhood history" says Golden, who began as a muralist in Los Angeles.


55. Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

A. Face-to-face service creatcs comfortable feelings among customers.

B. Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers.

C. A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.

D. Customer delight is more important for airlines than for banks.



54. Customer delight is important for airlines because    .

A. their telephone style remains anchanged

B. they are more likely to meet with complaints

C. the services cost them a lot of money

D. the policies can be applied to their staff


53. If a manager should show his empathy (Paragraph6), what would he  probably say?

A.“I know how upset you must be.”  B.“I appreciate your understanding.”

C. “I’m sorry for the delay.”      D.“I know it’s our fault.”

