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23.(2011湖南卷)The players______from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game .

A. selecting    B. to select     C. selected    D. having selected


21.(2011湖南卷) The ability  _____an idea is as important as the idea itself.

A. expressing     B. expressed     C. to express     D. to be expressed


33.(2011重庆卷) Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ________ of his own dreams.

A. reminding              B. to remind

C. reminded               D. renmind


29.(2011重庆卷)More TV programs, according to government to officials, will be produced _______people’s concern over food safety.

A.to raise             B.raising

C.to have raised          D. having raised


20.(2011陕西卷)More highways have been built in China, ___________it much easier for people to travel form one place to another.                                

A. making    B. made     C. to make   D. having made


14.(2011陕西卷)Claire had luggage _______ an hour before her plane left.                

check  B. checking  C. to check  D. checked


12.(2011天津卷)______ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.

A. Translating              B. Translated  

C. To translate             D. Having translated


7.(2011天津卷)Passengers are permitted _____ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

A.to carry     B. carrying       C. to be carried    D. being carried


30.(2011辽宁卷)  ______ around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.                                                                                                  

   A. Gather                B. To gather

   C. Gathering           D. To be gathering


16.(2011四川卷) _________ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous. 

     A. Offer     B. Offering     C. Offered    D. To offer

