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6.(2011·四川卷)3.There is     in his words.We should have a try.[A]

A. something   B. anything     C.nothing     D.everything


5.(2011·陕西卷)16.-Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen,dear?

-      one?                     [C]

A.Other  B.Every   C.Another   D.More


4.(2011·全国II)11.I got this bicycle for______:My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.[D]

  A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing


3.(2011·江西卷)25..Why don’t yoo bring _____ to his attention   ill to work on?[B]

A. that     B.it     C.his     D.him


2.(2011·天津卷)1. We feel      our duty to make our country a better place.[A]

A. it        B. this          C. that        D. one


1.(2011·北京卷)34.The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase_______ . [C]

A. then     B. those       C. it        D. that


8.(2011·重庆卷)26. In communication, a smile is usually ___________ strong sign of a friendly and _______ open attitude.[C]

A. the, /    B. a, an

C. a, /     D. the, an



7.(2011·山东卷)21.Take your time-it’s just_____short distance from here to_____restaurant.[B]

        A.不填;the      B. a; the     C. the; a     D.不填;a


6.(2011·浙江卷)2.Experts think that ____recently discovered painting may be _____ Picasso.[D]

  A.the.不填  B.a;the      C.a;不填      D.the;a


5.(2011·全国新课标卷)33.It is generally accepted that   boy must learn to stand up and fight like  man.[A]

A. a; a      B. a; the       C. the; the    D. a; 不填

