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10.(2011·北京卷)23.Tom     in the library every night over the last three months.[C]

A. works   B. worked   C. have been working   D. had been working


9.(2011·四川卷)9. All visitors to this village _________ with kindness.[B]

A. treat      B. are treated     C. are treating    D. had been treated  


8.(2011·北京卷)32. -Bob has gone to California.

-Oh, can you tell me when he     ?[B]

A. has left   B. left   C. is leaving  D. would leave


7.(2011·天津卷)15. I ______ sooner but I didn’t know that they were waiting for me.[D]

A. had come   B. was coming    C. would come   D. would have come


6.(2011·北京卷)21. Experiments of this kind     in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.[D]

A. have conducted     B. have been conducted

C. had conducted     D. had been conducted


5.(2011·北京卷)27. -That must have been a long trip.

-Yeah, it     us a whole week to get there.[C]

A. takes   B. has taken   C. took   D. was taking


4.(2011·江西卷)28.We _____John’s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury[D]

A.will put     B. will have put    

C. would put     D. would have put


3.(2011·江西卷)30.We hrrived at word in the morning are      _____ into the offtive during the night.[B]

A.broke          B. had broken     C.has broken      D.was breaking


2.(2011·天津卷)3.In the last few years thousands of films     allover the word.[B]

A.have produced    B. have been produced

C. are producing    D. are  being  produced


1.(2011·天津卷)4.On the next birthday.Ann       married for twenty years.[D]

A.is       B.has been      C.will be     D.will have been

