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55. If you win the competition, you will be given ____ to Europe for two.

A. a free 7-day trip   B. a free trip for 7-day   C. a 7-day free trip   D. a trip for 7-day free


54. --Can I pay the bill by check?

   --Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ____ be made in cash.

A. shall   B. need   C. will   D. can


53. Mr Black must be worried about something. You can ____ it from the look on his face.

A. reason   B. recognize   C. read   D. realize


52. As we have much time left, let's discuss the matter ____ tea and cake.

A. over   B. with   C. by    D. at


51. ____ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.

A. That   B. What   C. In spite of what   D. Though what


50. --How do you think I should receive the reporter?

   --____ you feel about him, try to be polite.

A. How   B. What   C. Whatever   D. However


49. --You didn't wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?

   --No, but we ____. He didn't return home at all.

A. couldn't have   B. needn't have   C. didn't need to   D. should wait have


48. --How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

   --We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

A. added   B. included   C. contained   D. charged


47. A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries in the world paid close attention to this.

A. where   B. when   C. which   D. what


46. --What's the matter with Tim?

   --Oh, Tim's cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.

A. to find   B. to be found   C. finding   D. being found

