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One mother supporting this new approach toward parenting mentions the advantages her family experienced after her children cut back on activities.

句中supporting...短语作后置定语修饰one mother;her family experienced为定语从句,修饰先行词advantages.



6.One of the reasons why parents push children so hard is that they ________.

A.believe in early development in children

B.are too busy to take care of their children

C.don't want their children to lag behind

D.want to repeat what their parents did to them

解析:推理判断题。依据第一段中的they will be holding their own children back if they do not enroll too表明一些家长担心不让孩子参加活动会落后。



hold back 阻碍,使……落后

cut back on  缩减,减少


enroll /In'rəʊl/ v.       注册,登记

emphasize /'emfəsaIz/ vt.        强调;着重

pessimistic / pesI'mIstIk/ adj.      悲观的


5.The writer wants to tell us that ________.

A.there are some good ways to practice handwriting

B.life is like old newspaper

C.we should learn from the student in the story

D.life will not give us a chance to draw a draft




词数  251    难度系数   ★★    建议用时 6′

(2011·绵阳模拟)Pushing children too hard is a really big social problem that seems to be getting worse.Now we have 6­month­olds in music classes and swimming classes.Parents fear that if other children are attending these classes,they will be holding their own children back if they do not enroll,too.

The other extreme,simply taking a_laissez­faire_approach and letting children do-or refuse to do-whatever they want,is not the answer either,of course.

Dr Taylor emphasizes that parents need to push their children based on what is best for children,not what is best for themselves.If children understand that an activity is in their best interests,then they will accept it,he finds.

Dr Taylor and other family experts remain pessimistic about the possibilities for widespread social change.“The force of our popular culture,driven by money and superficial(表面上的)values,cannot be resisted,”he says.But change can take place at a“micro­level”,in families and schools.

When change does occur,the rewards can benefit everyone in the family.One mother supporting this new approach toward parenting mentions the advantages her family experienced after her children cut back on activities.“The biggest thing is that since we have done this,we are rested,”she says.“Not only are our kids rested,because they're not in a ton of stuff,but my husband and I are rested,because we're not driving them everywhere.We weren't living in the moment when we were always busy.We were living by the schedule.The return on our investment of spending time together has been enormous.”


4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.What teachers say is always true.

B.Success calls for attentiveness.

C.Handwriting is easy to practice.

D.New things are always better than old ones.




3.We learn from the passage that ________.

A.the student finally gave up

B.the student made rapid progress by practicing more carefully

C.the calligrapher was strict with his students

D.old newspaper is not useful




2.The student didn't make much progress at first because ________.

A.he didn't follow his teacher's advice

B.he was too poor to buy better paper to write on

C.he regarded his writing on old newspaper just as a draft

D.he was not used to the calligrapher's teaching manner




One of his students who often practiced handwriting with old sheets of newspaper complained that he made very little progress though he had learned it with the calligrapher for a long time.

who often...newspaper为定语从句修饰students;that引导宾语从句,其中though引导让步状语从句。



1.The calligrapher in the story told the student to write on the best paper because he thought ________.

A.the student would practice more carefully on the best paper

B.it was comfortable to write on the best paper

C.the student had enough money to buy the best paper

D.the student could write more on the best paper




pay attention to注意

fail to do sth.  未能做某事


treasure/'treʒə/ v.        珍视;珍爱;珍藏

inexhaustible/InIɡ'zɔːstəbl/ adj.     用之不竭的;无穷无尽的

military/'mIlətrI/ adj.           军事的;军队的

