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42. A. to              B. on         C. of           D. about


41. A have asked             B. had answered  

C. had been asking        D. have been answering


40. Our success    whether everyone works hard or not.

  A. lies down       B. leads to       C. depends on     D. results in

完型填空 从所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案

How far is the sun from the earth? This is a question you have asked yourself since you began asking anything. In fact, for thousands of years astronomers (41) the same question. But they had no way (42) getting an exact answer (43) the sun was far, far away. Now with the use of radio telescope, they (44) give a very exact answer: the sun is 92,956,000 miles away from the earth.

  Can you imagine (45) that is?

  The airplane today travels (46) a speed of 700 miles an hour. Imagine (47) you were flying to the sun in this airplane. You could make no stops for rest, (48) for gas or oil, because there would be no place for you to stop. You would fly day and night at (49) speed. Yet by the time you arrived, fifteen years would (50).

  The electric train can (51) as fast as 110 miles an hour. If a railway could be built on a sunbeam, it (52) take the train nearly 100 years to (53) the sun. You would get very, very tired even if you lived (54) finish the journey.

  (55) it is to the sun! Have you ever thought that the sun is as far away form us as that?


39. -- I wonder why he left without a word.

 -- He    some trouble for he looks dull.

  A. could have had   B. should have had C. can have had       D. must have had


38. -- Can I smoke here? -- No,   at no time in the library.

  A. smoking permits            B. smoking does permit

  C. smoking is permitted         D. is smoking permitted


37. It worried her a bit   she is becoming weaker and weaker.

  A. what       B. whether       C. that           D. why


36. In the south of China, there is    of rain every year.

  A. numbers       B. a great many       C. a number      D. plenty


35. --    I go out to play now, mum?

--No, you   . You should do your homework first.

A. Must, mustn’t             B. Might, wouldn’t

C. Need, mustn’t             D. May, had better not


34. We’d better hurry. Our teacher    us.

  A. wait for        B. must wait for       C. must be waiting for  D. has waited for


33. The teacher as well as the students    planting trees.

  A. are        B. is        C. has          D. have

