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12. -------Is John coming by train?

  -------He should, but he _____not. He likes driving his car.

  A. must   B. can    C. need   D. may 


11. -------I don’t mind telling you about I know.

  -------You _____. I am not asking you for it.

  A. mustn’t    B. may not    C. can’t    D. needn’t 


10. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wait . because it _______be very slow.

  A. should    B. must    C. will    D. can 


9. There _____be any difficulties about passing the road test since you

have practiced a lot in the driving school.

  A. mustn’t   B. shan’t    C. shouldn’t   D. needn’t 


8. John, look at the time. _____you play the piano at such a late hour?

  A. must     B. can    C. may     D. need 


7. --------the woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before he returned.

  ---------Oh dear! She ________ a lot of difficulties.!

  A. may go through        B. might go through 

  C. ought to have gone through   D. must have gone through


6. -------Do you know where David is? I could not find him anywhere.

  -------Well. He ______have gone far, his coat’s still here.

   A. shouldn’t    B. mustn’t    C. can’t    D. wouldn’t


5. I thought you _______like something to read, so I have brought you some books.

  A. may   B. might    C. could   D. must 


4. Why didn’t you tell me there was no meeting today?  I _____have

driven all the way here through the heavy snow.

  A. needn’t   B. can’t    C. mustn’t   D. shouldn’t


3. ------_______ I go back before lunch?

  ------No, I don’t think you ________

  A. need; must  B. do; need to 

C. must; have to  D. may; ought to

