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a melon  a peach  a mooncake  a bean  a leaf  an orange  a pear



doll    bicycle   swing    ball    balloon   slide 


(  )I can read.          (  )  I can sing.

(  ) I can write           (  )  I can dance.

(  ) I can jump.           (  ) I can draw.

(  ) I can draw.           (  ) I can write.


(  ) I can read.            (  ) I can dance.

(  ) I can write.            (  ) I can sing.


5. Is this a bag?           6.  Is this a pen?

(  ) Yes, it is.         (  ) Yes, it is.  

(  )  No, it isn’t.        (  )  No, it isn’t. 


3. Is this a ruler?             4. Is this a book?

(  ) Yes, it is.            (  ) Yes, it is.

(  )  No, it isn’t.          (  )  No, it isn’t. 


1. Is this a pencil?            2. Is this a rubber?

(  ) Yes, it is.            (  ) Yes, it is.

(  )  No, it isn’t.          (  )  No, it isn’t.


              This is my face.


This is my nose.

              This is my eye.

               This is my mouth.

              This is my ear.


a melon  a peach  a mooncake  a bean  a leaf  an orange  a pear



doll    bicycle   swing    ball    balloon   slide 


a)     Go to the silde.

b)     Pick up the doll.

c)     He has got a ball.

d)     She has got a doll.

e)     What has he got?

f)      What has she got?

g)     This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.

h)     This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.

i)      --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?

--I have got a ball. It is red.

--Let’s play togther.

--All right.


