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3. Look at your book.


2. Open your eyes.


1.This is my banana.


 (  )1. A. Close the door.    B. Open the window.

2.(  ) A. Show me the fruit salad.  B. Open your mouth.

(  ) 3. A. Draw nine oranges.   B. Draw five lychees.

 (  )4. A. This is my classroom   B. This is a green apple.

5.(  ) A. Look at the apples.  B.  Point to the bananas.

四:看图选择单词填空:(a banana  a book  an orange  a bag  a pear  a fan  yellow green  a desk  an apple




(  )1 A. banana  B. lychee    (  ) 2. A.  red   B. yellow

3.(  ) A. orange  B.apple   (  ) 4. A. look    B. point

5.(  ) A.desk  B. chair   (  )6. A. mouth   B. nose

7.(  ) A.ear   B.  finger     (  ) 8. A. five   B. eight

9.(  ) A. three   B. nine     (  )10. A. six     B. seven


1.(  ) A.Aa  B. Dd       (  ) 2. A.Dd    B. Hh

3.(  )A.Rr    B. Kk       (  ) 4. A.Kk    B.Ww

5.(  ) A.Mm   B. Tt       (  ) 6. A. Pp     B. Qq

7.(  ) A. Gg   B. Ss       (  ) 8. A. Vv   B. Ww

9.(  ) A.Hh   B. Yy       (  )10. A. Zz    B. Uu


5.How are you ?


4. What’s this ?.


3. Look at your book.


2. Open your eyes.

