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53. Where did the blind man want to go?



52. What did Ronald do when he saw the blind man?



51. What was the blind man doing when Ronald saw him?



50. to be   grows up   Henry   a teacher   he   when   wants


(G) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)

   Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

   Ronald was on his way to school when he saw a blind man. The blind man was waiting to cross the road. There was nobody around to help him. Ronald went up to him. He held the blind man by the elbow and led him across the road. The blind man was very grateful. Ronald learnt that the blind man wanted to go to the post office. Ronald brought him to the post office before he rushed to school. when he reached his school, he was very late. Ronald explained to his teacher what happened. His teacher did not scold him. Instead, she praised him for his kindness.


49. wishes for   birthday   a computer   he   his   for



48. holiday   going to   they   Japan   this   are   December   for a



47. is worried   tests   mother   Jim's   for him   he has   for   as

   done badly   his



46. slipped on   hurt   Lisa   the   she   floor   her ankle   when  wet



45. I (has, have) not written to Jim.

(E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

   with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)


44. The hen (has, have) laid many eggs since Monday.

