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10、(   )你刚认识一位外籍的朋友,想知道他的国籍,你该有礼貌地问:

     A. Hello, where are you from?

      B. Hello, who are you?

      C. What’s your name?


9、(   )当你的同学想借用一下你的文具时,你很乐意借他一用,你该说:

     A. Thank you.

     B. Can I use your eraser?

     C. Certainly.


8、(   )当别人向你提供帮助,你不需要时,你该说:

     A. No, thank you.

     B. No, I’m not.

     C. Yes, thank you.


7、(   )你看到爸爸提着一个大箱子回家,你很好奇里面的东西,你就问:

     A. What’s in the big bag?

     B. What colour is the big bag?

     C. How old are you?


6、(   )当你遇到一些需要帮助的人时,你可以主动地说:

     A. Can you help me?

     B. Can I help you?

     C. Can I have a look?


5、(   )今天,镇的领导参观我们的学校,你见到面时,该说:

     A. Welcome back to our school.

     B. Welcome to our school.

     C. The washroom is on the first floor.


4、(   )你准备本周末到香港迪士尼玩,你想了解哪里的天气,就拨通12121询问天气情况,你该问:

     A. Hello, how are you?

     B. It’s warm and windy.

     C. Hello, what is the weather like in Hong kong on Sunday?


3、(   ) Amy 到你家作客,你想给她倒点喝的,你该说:

     A. Can I have some orange juice?

     B. I’d like some coke?

     C. What would you like, milk or tea?


2、(   )你刚到一所新学校上学,不知电脑室在哪,你该问:

     A. Where’s the art room?

     B. Where’s the computer room?

     C. Where’s the music room?


1、(   )当你发现你的朋友浪费食物时,你该说:

     A. I have milk and bread for breakfast.

     B. I like chicken, fish and beef.

     C. Don’t waste food.

