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5.Harbin is      the north of China.


4.New York is      the east of America.


3.This planet is near      the sun.


in    to

ada is      the north of America.

2.Tianjin is      the east of China.


(  )1.A.moon      B.noon       C.book     D.room

(  )2.A.mouse      B.cousin      C.house     D.south

(  )3.A.park       B.warm       C.star     D.farm



1.A:Where is the      ?

  B:It’s in the      of our school.

2.A:Where is      ?

  B:It’s in the      of China.

3.A:Where is      ?

  B:It’s      the east of Beijing.


1.He lives in the     of America.(east ,west)

2.Where is the      ?It’s near our school.(bookshop,bus station)

3.This planet is      the sun.(near to,far from)

4.Today is very      .(hot,cold)

5.Some nights the moon looks like a      .(banana,plate)


(  )1.A.lot      B.not       C.hot

(  )2.A.round     B.house      C.touch

(  )3.A.sun      B.moon      C.earth

(  )4.A.planet     B.plane      C.plate

(  )5.A.best      B.west     


This is America. Daming’s cousin Simon lives there.America is also called the USA. To the north is Canada. To the south is Mexico. To the west is the Pacific Ocean. To the east is the Atlantic Ocean. The capital of America is Washington DC. People speak English in America. Famous American things are hamburgers、cowboys and Hollywood films. Daming wants to see America one day. He hopes to visit his counsin.

1 Where is Canada?_______________________________

2 Where is Mexico?_______________________________

3 Where is the Pacific Ocean?______________________

4 What is to the east?_____________________________

5 Where is the capital of America___________________

6 What are famous American things._________________


(   ) 1 America is also called the USA.

(   ) 2 People speak Chinese in China.

(   ) 3 People speak English in America.

(   ) 4 The capital of America is New York.

(   ) 5 The capital of China is Beijing.

