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一 听音选词 (5分)

1 ()Aliving  Breading  C paper 

2()Aletter  Bwether  C paper  

3()Afinishi  Bwatch  C wash 

4()Ainvent  Bprint  C hurt

5()Awent  Blearnt C hurt

二 选择听到的句子。(5分)

1 ()  A   It was my birthday on Saturday.

    B  Here is a photo of me on my birthday.

2()   A   She played with me

    B  She played the flute.

3()   A   She usually walks to school

    B  She didn’t walk to school.

4()   A   Chinese pepole invented printing.

    B  Chinese pepole invented paper

5()   A   We went to the Great Wall.

    B  We went on a school trip.

三 听音完成短文,用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

(do  didn’t  clean  wash  help)

 On Sundays, Daming usually _____ his homework, but yesterday  he ______ do it.

He _____his room, he ______his trousers,then he _____his Mum.


(5)sixty-one   (6)seventy-four    (7)nineteen

(8)thirty     (9)three    (10)one  one  nine


(5)sixteen   (6)water  melom   (7)dog    (8)that

(9)windy   (10)shorts


(2)Time  for  music.     Sing  and  dance.

(3)What  time  is  it?   It’s  six  o’clock..

(4)Hello! Sa hra.    Wash  your  short.

(5)It’s  in  Beijing.   It’s  warm.

(6) It’s  warm.    Let’s  play  football.

(7)How  much  is  it?   It’s  ten  yuan.

(8)Hi, Mike,  Ride  a  horse.

(9)Are  they  sheep?   Yes, they  are.

(10)Is  this  a  library?  Yes, it  is.


(5)short   (6)cool    (7)green   (8)snow   (9)big



(6)hot    (7)pants   (8)cheap   (9)apple   (10)potato


10、A:Can  I  wear  my  shirt?   B:It’s  white.

听 力 材 料


9、A:What  colour  is  it?      B:No,  it’s  not.


8、A:Is  that  your  T-shirt?    B:Yes,  you  can.


7、A:Are  they  ducks?       B:It’s  two  o’clock.

