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1.  A  It’s from my friend.

B  My name is Lucy.

2.  A  I’m nine years old.

B  I play in the rain.

3.  A  I live in London.

B  I washed my shoes.

4.  A  I have long、black hair.

B  I have a big nose.


1. (  ) A rain        B play        C glad

2. (  ) A all         B nice       C autumn

3. (  ) A star       B warm       C party

4. (  ) A pass       B class       C pilot

5. (  ) A chair       B hair       C wide


1.  A.Look at this farm. What can you see?

B.  I can see many _____.

Oh, look!  Are they goats?

A. No, ____ ____. They are _____.

B. How many sheep can you see?

A. I can see ____ . (20)

B. What ___ they?

A. They are _____ .

B. I like carrots. They are yummy and _____.

A. This farm is wonderful!

2.  A.  It’s ____  today. I want to buy a pair of ____ .

   B. Can I help you!

   A. Yes, I want a pair of _____, please.

   B. ____ size?

   A. Size ____ (6)

   B. How about this pair?

   A. Good! How much ____  ____?

   B. They are 200 yuan.

   A. Oh, They are too______.

   B. How about that pair? They are only ____(20) yuan.

   A. Oh, I will take them.


7. I see five ___ , eight ____  , two ___ and three ____ .


6. ____ ____ sheep are there ?  _____.  (15)


5. ____ ____ are the bananas ?  ____  ____ three yuan.


4. It’s ____ .  I can wear my _____.


3. What time __  __ ? It’s ____ o’clock.


2. Is this your_____?  Yes, ___ ___.L


1. --------- the weather like today? It’s ____.

