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2.  I  my  yesterday  cleaned 


1.didn’t  at  half  six  get up  past.


( )1 imp__tant  A oo  B ar  C or 

( )2 fini__    A sh  B th  C gh

( )3 d__ty    A ia   B ea  C ir

( )4 we__t    An   Bl   C t

( )5 __pril    A a   B A   C E

( )6 Ameri__   A can  B ean  C oin

( )7 yest__day  A ir  B er   C or

( )8 bi ____ le  Acic  Bcyc  C ycy

( )9 m__tain   A aun  B oun  C eun

( )10 pap___  A er    B re  C ar

五 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(20点)

1  go过去式­­­________   2  see过去式­­­________

3  walk单数第三人称形式­­­________  4 eat过去式­­­________

5  dance现在分词________   6  buy过去式­­­________

7  photo复数­­­________     8  invent过去式­­­________

9  play过去式­­­________    10  clean反义词­­­________


stayed  raining  Sundays was  ride  bike  yesterday  didn’t  football  usually 

On_______, I ______ play ______ in the park. But I _____play football _____. And I usually ride my _____. But I didn’t ______it yesterday. It _____  ______! I ______at home.


(  ) 1. A. She lives in London.  B. She lived in London.    

(  ) 2. A.Yes, I was.      B.Yes,I wasn’t.

(  ) 3. A. He’s reading a letter.   B. He reads a letter.

(  ) 4. A. They’re boats.     B. It’s a boat.

(  ) 5. A. Yes, I do.        B . Yes, I can.


(  ) 1. Aagain       Balso      C April

(  ) 2. A ate         B print       C invent

(  ) 3. A clean       B climb     C call

(  ) 4. A bicycle     B bought     C brought

(  ) 5. A mountain      B Mexico     C matter


1、(  )当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

A、I want to play ping-pong.   B、Let’s play ping-pong.

C、You can play ping-pong.

2、(   )怎样问星期几?

A、What day is today?   B、What is this?  C、How is the weather?

3、(   )怎样问价钱?

A、How many is the car?  B、How many cars is there?  C、How much is the car?

4、(   )当你要打扰别人时,你应说:

A、Excuse me.  B、Thank you.  C、Sorry.

5、(   )当你问别人多大岁数时,应该说:

A、What are you?  B、How old are you?  C、How are you?

6、(   )当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

A、I can show you.  B、I can see you.  C、I can work.

7、(   )当你问某个东西是什么时,用英语说:

A、Where is it?  B、What is it?  C、What time is it?

8、(   )当你想帮助别人时,你应该说:

A、Can you help you?  B、I can help you.  C、Let me help.

9、(   )当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该说:

A、Thank you.  B、Thanks.  C、You’re welcome.

10、(   )当你想知道早饭吃什么时,你应说:

A、What’s this?  B、What is it?  C、What’s to breakfast?

11、(   )当你想知道别人去哪儿里时,你问:

A、Is that far from here ?  B、Where are you going ?  C、Do you have a map ?

12、(   )当你想知道别人想买什么时,你问:

A、What do you want to buy ?  B、What do you want to do ? 

C、Where is the shop ?

13、(   )当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

A、Turn left.  B、Turn right.  C、Go straight.

14、(   )当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

A、Red is stop.  B、Yellow is wait.  C、Yellow is go.

15、(   )当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

A、I want to buy a dress.  B、I don’t want to buy a shirt.

C、I don’t want to buy a dress.


15、(   )--Let’s go _________.

A、   shop  B、shopping  C、 city


14、(   )--Forty plus nineteen equals ______.

A、 fifty-five  B、forty-seven  C、twenty-one


13、(   )--I need a new chain. Let’s go to the ______.

A、 silk shop  B、bicycle shop  C、 tea shop

