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(  )1.She can wear her T-shirt.

 (  ) 2.It’s time for music class.

 (  ) 3.She is eight.

 (  ) 4.These boots are sixty-five yuan.

 (  ) 5.She likes green and red.


(  )1. A.It’s  5:30  B.I’m 5.  C.Yes,it is .

 (  ) 2. A.I like this ruler. B.It’s blue. C.Yes,she is.

 (  ) 3. A.I’m from UK. B.It’s rainy in Beijing. C.It’s time to go.

 (  ) 4. A.I’m sorry. B.Yes, I like it.  C.It’s ninety-nine yuan.

 (  ) 5. A.Yes,I want a shirt. B.No,it’s not. C.I can see one.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1.          It’s  today.  2.I want an .

3.This shirt is OK , but it’s too .

4.These are my .  5.My skirt is .


(  )1 A.warm  B.hot  C.cold

(  )2 A.cloudy  B.pretty  C.rainy

 (  ) 3 A.cheap B.tree C.jeep

(  )4 A.shoes  B.shirt  C.socks

 (  ) 5 A.sneakers  B.slippers C.sandals

 (  ) 6 A.how about B.how many C.how much

 (  ) 7 A.lunch B.lamp C.library

 (  )8 A.coat  B.cool  C.close

 (  ) 9 A.five  B.nine C.four 

(  )10 A.red  B.green  C.white


( )1 A.bd  B.ed      (  )2 A.gj  B.ej

(  )3 A.uw  b.qw     (  ) 4 A.iy  b.xy

 (  )5 A.sx  b.fx


1. How many sweaters are there?

2. Is this your ruler?

3. How much are the bananas?

4. Are these pencils?  Yes, they are.

5. What time is it?

6. Can I help you?

7. Look at the shorts. They are 500 yuan.

8. Is your mother a doctor?

9. What colour is the dog?

10. Can I have an apple, please?


1. What time is it?  It’s 12:15.

2. I go to bed at 9:45.

3. Do you have English class at 8:40?  No, I have English class at 8:30.

4. How much are they?   They are 20 yuan.

5. How many potatoes are there.  There are 11.

6. I can see 14 pairs of boots.

7. Is it 17? Yes, it is.

8. There are 24 horses and 13 donkeys. How many animals are they?

9. How old are you?  I’m 8.

10. The colourful dress is 60 yuan.


1. Go to the teacher’s office.

3. Put on your jacket. It’s cold.

5. What’s the weather like?  It’s windy.

7. Are those sheep? No, they are lambs.

9. How many geese can you see? I can see two.

2. It’s time for music class.

4. Put away your sweater.

6. Can I wear my new slippers?

8. It’s snowy in Beijing. It’s very cold.

10. It’s very hot today. Can I wear my new T-shirt?

