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(   ) 1. A. uw  B. qw  C. uq    (   ) 4. A. 30  B. 13  C. 31 

(   ) 2. A. air  B. iar  C. rai    (   ) 5. A. 345  B. 543  C. 645

(   ) 3. A. SXY B. FXS  C. FSX   (   ) 6. A. 9871  B. 9781  C. 6789

7.(   )  A.MNOP  B. NMOP  C.MNQP

(   ) 8.  A. 6349  B. 6579  C. 6538

(   ) 9.  A. AJHK  B. HJKA  C. HGKA

(   ) 10.  A. 7458  B. 9548  C. 7549


3. I have an uncle. He’s a farmer.  4. My parents are teachers.


1. Welcome to my home.      2. Amy’s brother is a doctor.


1. Where’s your seat?

2. How many people are there in your family?

3. What’s your mother?

4. Are they nurses?

5. Who’s that man?


1. ahgk    2. RIYL   3. 35    4. 72    5. eleven

6. who    7.nice    8. math   9. board  10. bed


1.    The boy is my brother. He likes playing computer games.

2.    Put the pencil-case on the chair.

3.    The girl is my friend. She has short hair, big eyes and mouth.

4.    Turn on the lights, please.

5.    My friend has big eyes and small mouth. He likes sports.


1.    ---Hello. Sarah. What would you like?  ---I’d like som,e noodles and two eggs.

2.    I’m Amy. I’d like some rice, fish and soup.

3.    Give Mike some soup, 3 hamburgers and some chicken. What about you, Johen? I’d like some chicken and some juice.


1.    Put the schoolbag in the desk.

2.    Write down small letters bdpq, please.

3.    The girl likes listening to music.

4.    Put the book on your head.

5.    Zhang peng is my new friend. He likes painting.


1.    Look, the floor is clean.

2.    ---What’s in the classroom?    ---Many desks and chairs.

3.    This is my good friend. She has long hair, small eyes and a mouths.

4.    Looks, this is my new chair.

5.    Let me clean the board.

