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100  86  73  18  24  56  98  27  47  39

50   80  33  72  60  14  8   12  20  68


(   ) 1、A、 mum   B、 mother   C、 father

(   ) 2、A、 pencil   B、 pen    C、 purple

3、(   )A、 look    B、 book   C、 sick

(   ) 4、A、 above   B、 five    C、 seven

(   ) 5、A、 seventy   B、 sixty    C、 fifty

(   ) 6、A、 Monday  B、 Saturday   C、 Sunday

(   ) 7、A、 sock   B、 skirt    C、 shirt

(   ) 8、A、ball    B、 doll    C、 below

(   ) 9、A、 gym   B、 classroom   C、 arm

(   ) 10、A、 old   B、 cold    C、 coat


5.   A: Can you see a fridge in the picture ?

B: ­­­­______, _______  _______.


4.   A: Where’s the phone ?

B: It’s on the _______. 


3.   A: Where are the books ?

B: Are they in the __________?

A:______, they _______.


2.   A: Where are my pencils ?

B: They’re on the __________.


六  看图补充句子。(22)

A: What would you like for breakfast, Alice?


B: I’d like some _____    , some ______   

  and some _____     .

A: Wow! What a nice breakfast!  And what about your dinner?


B: I’d like some _____     , some _______  

  and some  _____    .

七 看图回答问题。(10)

1.   A: Where are my keys ?

B: Are they on the sofa ?



 一 听音选图。(12)

1  (  )(  )   2(  )  (  )

3(  )  (  )  4(  )(  ) 5(  )  (  )  6 (  ) (  )

二  听音判断图的正确与否。(10)

1(  ) (  ) 2(  )(  )

3. (  )(  )4. (  ) (  )

5. (  ) (  )

三  听句子选单词。(12)

1  (  ) A  door    B  board    C  floor

2      (  ) A  teacher   B  picture   C  finger

3      (  ) A  short    B  sport   C  strong

4      (  ) A  forty    B  thirty   C  twenty

5      (  ) A  wall    B  ball    C  tall

6      (  ) A  knife    B  kite    C  nine

四  听问题,选答案。(8)

1 (  )  A  Miss Green is.  B  Yes, she is .  C  She’s a teacher.

2 (  )  A  Yes ,it is .   B  Two pencils.  C  It’s a bag.

3 (  )  A  It’s my ruler.  B  I  have a ruler.  C  It’s blue.

4 (  )  A  Yes, I do.   B  Yes, it is .   C  Yes ,I can.

五  听一段话,填写单词。(一空一词)(10)

Welcome to my _________. This is my ________. I like reading books in it. I like reading books. I have many books in my study. You can see ______ story-books,_______ picture-books and _______ English books.


1.    ---Where is my mother?   ---She’s in the kitchen.

2.    ---Where is my father?   ---He’s in the living room.

3.    My brother is in the bathroom.

4.    My sister is in the study.

5.    Where am I? I’m in my bedroom.

6.    This is my friend , John. He’s in my bedroom, too.

7.    Mr Black is watching TV with my father.

