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a. (  ) cl__ss__oom       A: a. r    B: o. r   C: r. i

b. (  ) sch__ __l        A: o. a    B: o. o   C: a. i

c. (  ) wh__r__        A: e. l    B: a    C: r. i

d. (  ) __ym         A: g     B: a    C: l

e. (  ) l__bra__y        A: a. e    B: i. r    C: r. i

f. (  ) exc__se         A: u     B: a    C: d

g. (  ) h__re          A: e     B: a    C: u

h. (  ) sh__w         A: a     B: e    C: o


classroom         a. play badminton                                  

gym           b. read a book

library          c. write on a blackboard


1、(  )当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

A、I want to play ping-pong.   B、Let’s play ping-pong.

C、You can play ping-pong.

2、( )当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:

A.   Li Ming is in front of the school.

B.    Li Ming is inside the school.

C.    Li Ming is outside the school.

3、(   )当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

A、Turn left.  B、Turn right.  C、Go straight.

4、(   )当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

A、Red is stop.  B、Yellow is wait.  C、Yellow is go.

5、(   )当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

A、I want to buy a dress.  B、I don’t want to buy a shirt.

C、I don’t want to buy a dress.

6、(   )当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

A、I can show you.  B、I can see you.  C、I can work.

7、( )当你看到一只戴着红色帽子的山羊,你可以说:

A.   I see a dog in a purple hat.

B.    I see a goat in a purple hat.

C.    I see a goat in a red hat.

8、( )当你想打扑克,但不知道好朋友会不会玩,你可以说:

A.   Can you fly?

B.    Ca you play cards?

C.    Can you swim?

9、( )当你看到笼子中的狮子很孤独,你可以说:

A.   The elephant is dreaming.

B.    The monkeys are hugging.

C.    The lion is lonely.

10、( )当你想知道猴子什么,你可以问?

A.   What do monkey eat?   B. What do they eat?

C.  Monkeys eat bananas.


10.(   ) _______ is the animal on the farm.

A. Elephant    B. Kangaroo    C. Cow


9.(   ) A bird has ______.

A. feathers and wings   B. paws and fur   C. fingers and feet.


8.--Let’s go _________.

A、   shop  B、shopping  C、 city


7.--It’s June. The weather is _______.

A、 cold and snowy  B、windy and cloudy  C、 hot and sunny


6.--___ is the gym?--I can show you.

A、 What  B、 How  C、 Where


5.(   ) Can a cat swim? ________

A. Yes, it can   B. No, it can’t.   C. No, I can’t.


4.(   ) What has fur?

A. An elephant has fur.   B. A bird has fur.

C. A lion has fur.

