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28. --- What do you think of bananas ?

--- I ______ them and I eat very few of them .

A. like     B. dislike   C. am fond of   D. am crazy about


27. --- Why do you keep all the windows ______ ?

--- Oh , it’s too hot inside today , I just want the wind to blow in .

A. open    B. opened   C. closed     D. closing


26. --- ______ big river it is !

--- Yes. I am afraid I can’t swim ______ it .

A. What; through    B. How; past   C. What a; across    D. How a; over


25. --- Excuse me,is Jim in the classroom now ?

--- No. He ______ be in the classroom because I saw him go to the post office just now.

A. must         B. mustn’t    C. can’t        D. may not


24. --- ______ the early bus , you must get up earlier tomorrow .

--- I see . I will try ______ late .

A. To catch; not to be    B. Catch; to be  

C. Catching; not to be    D. will catch; not be


23. --- Look , he is too tired .

--- Yes ! Why not ask him ______ a rest .

A. stop having  B. stop to have  C. to stop having     D. to stop to have


22. --- Does the key belong to ______ , Jim ?

--- No , it doesn’t . It is ______ .

A. you; her    B. your; hers   C. you; hers       D. your; her


21. --- Do you know ______ man standing under the tree ?

---Yes , he is ______ popular singer in China .

A. a; the     B. the; the    C. a; a         D. the; a 



(   ) 5. How did the woman’s uncle go to work today?

     A. By motorbike.     B. By bike.      C. On foot.

(   ) 6. What should we call him?

     A. Henry John.     B.Mr John.        C. Mr Brown.

(   ) 7. Who is the man’s favourite basketball player?

     A. Michael Jordan.     B. Yao Ming.     C. Kong Linghui.

(   ) 8. What’s he going to see?

     A. Monkeys.      B. Pandas.       C. Tigers.

(   ) 9. What time does Jim get to school?

A. 7:30        B. 8:30         C. 8:00.

(   ) 10. What does Mary often do to help her mother?

     A. She often help her mother to cook meals.

     B. She often help her mother with the washing.

     C. She often help her mother to clean the house.



(   ) 11. Where are the speakers talking?

    A. In a school.      B, In a hospital.      C. In a supermarket.

(   ) 12. How much are the apples?

    A. Two yuan.       B. Nine yuan.       C. Ten yuan.


(   ) 13. How far is the bookshop from here?

     A. About an hour on foot.

    B. About half an hour by bus.

    C. We don't know.

(   ) 14. Which bus should the man take?

    A. No. 13 bus.

    B. No. 30 bus.

    C. No. 3 bus .

(   ) 15. How does the man get to the bus stop?

    A. Walk across the road and turn left.

     B. Walk over the footbridge and turn right.

     C. Cross the road at the traffic lights.


(   ) 16. Where will they go?

     A. A town.       B. A city.       C. A school.

(   ) 17. How will they go there?

     A. By train.       B. By bus.       C. On foot.

(   ) 18. How long will it take them to get there?

     A. Over 3 hours.     B. Over 2 hours.    C. Over 5 hours.

(   ) 19. What will they take for lunch?

     A. Rice.         B. Bread.       C. Sandwiches.

(   ) 20. What can they do after lunch?

     A. Go swimming.     B. Go shopping.    C. Go boating.


VII. 书面表达。(15分)

请以My Sunday为题写一篇60个词左右的短文。

提示词:get up, do my homework, help my parents, do sports


My Sunday


