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9. -Which do you like better, skating or skiing?

-________ of them. I like running.

A. All                 B. Both      C. Either          D. Neither


8. In Hong Kong people walk________ the street.

A. on the left of   B. on the right of  C. in the middle of  D. behind


7. At ________, we eat mooncakes and at ________, we eat chocolates and candies.

A. Dragon Boat Festival, Easter        B. Mid-Autumn Festival, Halloween

C. Chinese New Year, National Day       D. Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas


6. ---Happy New Year!  ---________.

A. All right.       B. The same to you  C. That’s all right    D. Not at all


5. “I” ________ the last letter in the Alphabet.

A. am            B. is             C. am not       D. isn’t


4. Mike likes ________ hats in winter.

A. wearing     B. to dress up      C. to dress up as  D. wears


3. -Won’t you go to the dinner tonight?  -I will if I_______.

 A. will be invited   B. have invited     C. am inviting     D. am invited


2. -What is your brother going to be when he________?

-He wants to be a doctor.

A. wakes up        B. grows up     C. stands up       D. hurries up


1. _______your clothes, Steve. You shouldn’t throw them everywhere.

A. Put away       B. Put out         C. Take off       D. Try on


15. ---What does Frank often do after class?

  ---He often practises ________(speak) English with his classmates.

(二)单项选择 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

