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13.(   ) It’s five thirty in the afternoon. Let’s ________.

A. go home     B. have lunch    C. go to bed      D. go to school

答案:A   从句意上应选A。Let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,固定结构。


12.(   ) Are they in the same ________?

A. school      B. schools     C. classes       D. countries

答案:A   in the same school在同一所学校。


11.(   ) These two apples look ________same.

A. a        B. the       C. at         D. after

答案:B   look the same看起来一样。


10.(   ) Frank ________a banana in his hand.

A. have       B. has       C. there is      D. there are

答案:B   主语是人,后面要用have/has,不能用there be.


9.(   ) - ________do you have an Art Festival? - Once a year.

A. When      B. How often     C. How long     D. How

答案:B   答语是每年一次,要用How often来提问。


8.(   ) Would you like ________us?

A. join       B. joins      C. to join       D. joining

答案:C   would like to do sth.固定结构,join us加入我们这边,和我们一起。


7.(   ) ________do you want to go on vacation?

A. Who       B. What      C. Where       D. What kind

答案:C   根据句意选C,你们要去什么地方度假?(on vacation度假)


6.(   ) I’d like a cake ________cream and fruit on it.

A. in        B. at        C. for        D. with

答案:D   具有什么特征,用with。


5.(   ) We have specials ________hamburgers.

A. in        B. at        C. for        D. on

答案:D   在……方面,用on sth.


4.(   ) What would you like to have ________lunch?

A. in        B. at        C. for        D. to

答案:C   这四个词都是介词,它们的基本意义分别是:in在……里,用……(语言,方式),at在……(钟点,小地方),for为了,to朝,向,注意它们与其他词的搭配。

