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1. I want to go shopping with me today.    2. Simon’s birthday is coming up.


   I’m Tom. I’m a student in a middle school. I’m glad to meet you here. First let me  1 something about my family.

   There’re five people in my  2   ,my mother,my father,my sister,my brother and I.

   My father is an  3   worker. My mother is a teacher  4   English. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. I’m fourteen. We  5   are in the same middle school. We all study hard.

   My home is at West Hill. There’s a small river near our  6   . Behind it there is a hill. There’s one big tree and some small trees  7   our house,the big tree is a pear tree and the small trees are apple trees,  8   there aren’t any pears or apples on them.

    9   a photo of my house. In the photo,you can see three cats in my bedroom,one is white,  10   two are black and white. We like them very much.

1.(   ) A. to say       B. tell        C. say       D. talk

答案:C   1et sb.do…这里要选动词原形,say后面接说的内容,say something。

2.(   ) A. school       B. house       C. young      D. family

答案:D   根据上下文知选family。

3.(   ) A. big        B. small       C. young      D. old

答案:D   根据句意选old。

4.(   ) A. of         B. in        C. for       D. on

答案:A   a teacher of English英语老师。

5.(   ) A. two        B. four       C. three      D. five

答案:C   从后一句知这里的we指Tom及他的哥哥姐姐。

6.(   ) A. bedroom      B. home       C. room       D. house

答案:D   在我们房屋附近有一条小河。

7.(   ) A. around       B. in        C. over       D. to

答案:A   around环绕。

8.(   ) A. but         B. and       C. so        D. or

答案:A   有转折意义,填but。

9.(   ) A. He’s       B. Here’s     C. It’s       D. There’s

答案:B   here’5=here is,Here’s…这儿有一(个)……,这儿是一(个)……。it是代词,指代某项东西。单独看这一个句子,也可以选C:这是我家的一张照片。但放在全文看,用Here’s…更适当些。

10.(   ) A. other       B. any       C. the other     D. some

答案:C   三个中,有一只是白色的,另外二只(指三个中的另二个,特指,要用定冠词)是黑白相间的。


5. I played soccer on my computer. (改为一般疑问句)

  ________you ________soccer on ________computer?

答案:Did,play,your   原句谓语动词是played,所以改一般问句时用Did+主语+动词原形(play)……的句型,原句是on my computer,按逻辑意义my要改为your。


4. ________is the________ ________,please? (根据答句完成问句)

  Go straight and turn right at the pay phone. The police station is across from the pay phone.

答案:Where,police,station   问路,根据所留空格,选用:Where is the police station?


3. She and her friends went shopping last Sunday afternoon. (改为同义句)

  She ________shopping ________her friends ________Sunday afternoon.

答案:went,with,last   go shopping with sb.和某人一起去购物。


2. Tinna wants a small size uniform. (对画线部分提问)

  ________ ________uniform ________Tinna want?

答案:What,size,does   用What size对型号提问。


1. I’d like some fish. (改为一般疑问句)

  ________you________ ________fish?

答案:Would,like,some   Would you like sth.?或Would you like to do sth.?是提出建议的常用句型。

