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1.到这来 come______


26. There is________“t” and________“s” in ________ word “thanks”.  A. a; an;×     B. a; a; ×    C. a; an; the     D. a; an; a 27. -Is every  here, Lucy? -No. Lily is not here.  A. student      B.×       C. girls       D. boy 28. Listen ________ the tape and answer the questions ________ page 100.  A. to; of       B. of; from    C. to; on       D. at; in 29. Tom's address is ________.   A.3 Green Park, London, England        B. America, New York, NY Road   C. China, Guilin Road, Changchun       D. Tokyo, Flower Road, Japan 30 .________a bird. ________ name's Polly.  A. Its; It's      B. It's; It's    C. Its; Its       D. It's; Its 31. These are ________ cakes. ________are over there.  A. they ; We      B. their; Mine   C. you; His      D. my; Your 32. The policemen's  ________ sit under the________.  A. child; wall   B. friend; window   C. wives; apple trees  D. babies; oranges tree 33. She has no brothers ________  no sisters.  A. or        B. and       C. but        D.× 34. Do you want________?  A. to go to school    B. speak English   C. go home      D. to the tree 35. ________is this blouse? ________ knows?  A. Who's; Who     B. Whose; Who's   C. Who; Who's     D. Whose; Who 36. Mrs Hill is a________ good teacher. She loves her students  .  A. much; very     B. very; very    C. very much; much   D. very; very much 37. -Is that boy twelve? -No,________. He's only eleven.  A. isn't       B. isn't he      C. he isn't       D. he not 38. We get up ___ half past six ___the morning.   A. in; at         B. at; in       C. at; on       D. to; in 39.I think Ann must________ on duty today.   40.Look at the girl in red. She is________.  A. my a friend          B. a friend of Jane's sister's  C. Jane sister's friend       D. one of Jane's sister 41.-Can you find New York on the map? -Yes.________. It's here. A. Let's find       B. Let me see     C. Let me look at   D. Let's look after 42.-You speak Chinese very well. -________ A. No, not good.    B.I like Chinese food.    C. Thanks.     D. You speak well. 43. The children often go _______ the park.. A. to          B. at          C. in         D. with 44. Please give it ______ her. A. of          B. after         C. at         D. to 45.They don’t watch TV _______ Sunday morning. A. in          B. on          C. of         D. by 46. Where are______? A. the teachers' rooms           B. the teacher's room C. the room of the teachers         D. the teacher's rooms 47.-Are these your rulers?   -No, ______ aren't. ______are here. A. they; Their      B. them; Our     C. they; Ours    D. their; Us 48.-Hello,5376245. -Hello! Is ______ Sam? -No, ______ s Mike. A. this; that       B. it; that       C. that; it      D. that; this 49.-Do you have ______ apples?   -Sorry. I don't have ______, but I have ______ cakes. A. any; any; any    B. some; some; some   C. any; some; some   D. any; any; some 50.-______is Mike?   -I think he's at school. A. Who        B. Where       C. What        D. How 51.Ann isn't ______ Japanese girl. She's ______ English girl. A.a; a        B. a; an        C. an; a        D. an; an 52.There______some oranges and apples here, but I ______ the pears. A. is; know       B. are; think      C. is; see        D. are; like


25.Try to ____ it in English.” said the teacher.

A. speak     B. say         C. talk        D. tell


24. Thank you ____ for your help.

A.   so many     B. too much       C. so much      D. much too


23.“I don’t think the shop is open now.” In this sentence it means ‘The shop is ____ now.”

A.   closed     B. close        C. closes       D. closing


22. They have ___ useful dictionary. We want to borrow it ____them.

A.   an, for     B. a, from       C. an, to       D. a, to


21. ____ Sunday morning, we have no classes.

 A. On       B. At         C. In         D. For


20.The boys often do ____ Chinese and English ______ at school.

A.   them, homework  B. their, homeworks  C. them, homeworks  D. their, homework


19. Give some cups of tea _______ them.

A.   for       B. with        C. of       D. to


18. She is one of the best____ in her class.

A.student    B. classmate      C. students     D. girl

