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1.How many ____ do we need for the salad?

   A.water   B.milk   C.apples


Ⅰ.请你帮小明复习下列单词或短语。为了方便记忆,请将下面的单词或短语按“职业、人   的品质、家务活、食物和动物”归类:(每空0.5分,共10分)



A.airline pilot,   B.outgoing,   C.violinist,  D.make the bed,  E.creative,F.computer programmer,  G.seals,  H.prize,  I.onions,  J.take out the trash,K.fold clothes,  L.walk,  M.yogurt,  N.sharks,  O.dolphins,  P.kind,  Q.hamburgers

   职业    人的品质   家务活    食物     动物

  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________

  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________

  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________ 

  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________




1.(   )    2.(   )   3.(   )   4.(   )   5.(   )


(  )1.A.Boring.     B.Interesting.     C.Difficult.

(  )2.A.In 1953.     B.In 1965.       C.In l955.

(  )3.A.Eat an apple.             B.Make an apple smoothie.

    C.Buy an apple smoothie.

(  )4.A.Take computer science lessons.     B.Take acting lessons.

    C.Take science lessons.

(  )5.A.Tom’s watch.  B.Mary’s watch.     C.Your watch.


(  )1.How was Emily’s school day?

    A.Terrible.     B.Fun.         C.Not too bad.

(  )2.What did she make at school?

    A.Paper elephants   B.Paper planes       C.Paper sharks

(  )3.What did she use to make elephants?

    A.Paper.      B.Paper and knives.    C.Knives.

(  )4.Who did she meet when she was riding her bike?

    A.Her friend.    B.Her teacher.       C.Her father.

(  )5.Where did Emily and her father talk?

    A.At a school.    B.At a park.        C.At home.

Ⅳ.听White一家人在圣诞节那天干了什么?请根据录音完成下列表格(在横线上填入所缺   的单词,每空一词)。(每小题1分,共5分)

On Christmas Day
the Whites
1. ______ ______ together
After lunch
the Whites
2.______  to the river
After they went to the river
3. went ______ 
When Tom skated
4. the _______
5.could ______  ______



Paris has a beautiful name, the City of   1   . Do you know   2   it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at  3  .The streets are very  4  .When you   5.   in Paris, you need not turn   6   . your headlights even after dark.

Paris is full of light all day and all night. But this is not the  7  . reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the center of science and art   8.    scientists and artists have come to  9  . here. For this reason also, people  10  . it the City of Lights.

    1. A. Flowers    B. Lights   C. Cars     D. Rivers

    2. A. how     B. what    C. where    D. when

    3. A. noon      B. night    C. day     D. Evening

    4. A. black     B. dark     C. noisy    D. bright

    5.A. walk     B. go      C. live     D. drive

    6. A. off      B. down    C. out     D. on

    7. A. only     B. other    C. any     D. another

    8. A. Many     B. Few     C. No     D. A few

    9. A. study    B. drive     C. play    D. have dinner

    10.A. build    B. make     C. call     D. find


    Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the  1   important. Not  2   people understand this,but it is quite true.The human body can go  3   food for a long time, but two   

  4   three days without water usually make people dead.

    Many people do not understand how  5   water the human body needs   6   well and many people do not drink enough, especially in  7   weather. Most people drink when they are thirsty but often need more water, especially when they take exercises.

    65 to 70 percent water of a man’s body is water. If we do not have  8   water, we feel  9   and may become ill. Do you know what  10  drink is?

1. A. most      B. much       C. least        D. more

2. A. few      B. many       C. lot of       D. much

3. A. with      B. on        C. without       D. by

4. A. and       B. of        C. but        D. or

5. A. much      B. little        C. many       D. can

6. A. work      B. to work      C. working      D. works

7. A. cool      B, rainy        C. hot        D. warm

8. A, some      B. a little       C. all         D. enough

9. A. fine      B. tired       C. happy        D. well

10.A. good      B. the best      C. better        D. best


8.  黄河是世界最长的河流之一。

The Yellow River is one of___________ __________ _______________in the world.


7.  他读书不如他哥哥仔细。

     He ___________  ________so __________ as his brother.


6.  她每天用多长时间做作业?

     How long _________it________ her to do her homework every day?


5.  今天下午打篮球好吗?

    What about______________  __________this afternoon?


4.  感谢你照顾我妹妹。

  Thanks for________ __________ _____________my sister.


3.  昨天太冷了不能游泳。

   It was ________________cold _________________swim yesterday.

