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1.good ________  ­________       2.easy ________ ________


1.(   )A.term      B.short       C.shirt      D.word

2.(   )A.father     B.basket       C.after       D.thank

3.(   )A.ship      B.fifth       C.little      ese

4.(   )A.bottle     B.what        C.only       D.clock

5.(   )A.night      B.give        C.sit        D.drink

6.(   )A.bus       B.nut        C.hungry      D.ruler

7.(   )A.man       B.many       C.mend       D.men

8.(   )A.how       B.down       C.young       t


It is a Monday morning.


There are __1___ trees near the twins house. In the big tree there is a __2__. Can she sing? Yes. What is that near the big tree? It’s a __3___.

“I want some __4___,” thinks the cat. “Hi, ___5__ on! It’s time __6___ tea!”

“Not __7___, thank you! You can’t ____8___ me ! Goodbye!”

The cat gets nothing.


An Old Cock and a Fox

  It is evening. An old cock is sitting __1__ a tall tree. A fox __2__ to tree and ___3___ up at the old cock.

  “Hello, Mr. Cock. I have some good news for you,” ___4__ the fox.

  “Oh?” says the cock. “What is it?”

  “All the animals are good friends now. Let’s ___5___ friends, too. Please come ___6__ and play___7__.

“Fine!” says the cock. “I’m very glad to hear that.” Then he __8__up.

“Look! There ___9__ something over there.”

“What __10___at ?” asks the fox.

“Oh, I see ___11___ animals over there.. They are __12____ this way.”


“Yes. Oh, they’re dogs.”

“What? Dogs?” asks the fox. “Well,…well, I must ___13____ now. Goodbye.”

“Wait, Mr. Fox!” says the cock. “Don’t go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now.”

“Yes, but they ___14___ that yet.”

“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep high up I in the tree.

1.    A. in         B. on        C. at        D. up

2.    A. go        B. goes      C. come         D. comes

3.    A. look       B. watch     C. looks      D. watches

4.    A. asks       B. speaks     C. talks      D. says

5.    A. be        B. is        C. am       D. are

6.    A. up        B. down         C. in        D. out

7.    A. and I      B. with me    C. with I     D. and

8.    A. sees       B. looks      C. look      D. watches

9.    A. are        B. be        C. am       D. is

10.  A. do you looking B. are you look C. is you looking D. are you looking

11.  A. a         B. an        C. the       D. some

12.  A. comeing    B. going      C. coming    D. comes

13.  A. come      B. go        C. to come    D. to go

14.  A. knows     B. know         C. are knowing D. don’t know


Li Lei: Oh, hi, ___1____.

Jim: Hello, Li Lei. Come and ___2____ this ___3____ with me.

Li Lei: I can’t. It’s too ___4___.

Jim: ____5___, it isn’t ! Look, do it ___6_____ this!

Li Lei: Like this?

Jim: Yes, good. Oh, dear!

Li Lei: That’s Uncle Wang’s house. His ___7____ is broken.

Uncle Wang: ____8____ frisby is this?

Jim: It’s ___9____. I’m very ___10____, Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang: Go away, and take it with __11____. You must not play___12____ my house.


6.    这本书不好,我想要另外一本。

This book is not __________. I ________ _________ __________ __________.


5.    我认为她不会做蛋糕。

I ______ ________ she _______ _________ a cake.


4.    你最喜欢什么运动?我最喜欢跳高。

_________ your __________ ________? It’s __________.

