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It's easier to go downhill than to  1  uphill. So it's easier to fal l into bad habits(习惯) than into good  2 .

Bad habits do not come  3 . They come little by little without know ing their danger. School boys  4  pick up little bad habits in schoo l and on the streets. When they  5 write their lessons,they copy fro m their school-mates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they  6  want  to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling(赌博), they want to gambl e. When they get bigger, the habits  7  stronger and stronger, soth at they can no  8  get rid of(去掉) them. From copying,they learn to steal, from gambling, they learn to cheat. At  9  ,they become dist rusted(不信任) by everybody. How necessary(必要的)and important(重要的)it is tha t we get rid of the bad habits in the  10 !

1.(   )A.run         B.climb       e        D.fall

2.(   )A.ones      B.habit       C.things         D.one

3.(   )A.slowly       B.quick       C.suddenly      D.by

4.(   )A.at last    B.like to      C.want to      D.first

(   )     't       C.often       D.will

6.(   )A.never     B.too        C.also        D.either

7.(   )A.become        B.are        C.seem        D.look

8.(   )A.idea      B.longer         C.time        D.way

9.(   )A.end      B.most        C.first       D.last

10.(   )A.way      B.place       C.beginning     D.school


1.(   )“    we clean the room for you?”“Thanks. I can do it myself .”

    A.Do      B.Shall        C.Must        D.Will

2.(   )“Will you be at home tomorrow?”“   

A.Yes, all right.       B.Not at all.

C.Yes, but why?        D.No, never mind.

3.(   )“Oh, I'm not feeling well. I've got a cold.”“  

A.Fine, How are you?      B.Never mind. Take care.

C.Well, I am sure to get well soon.

D.I'm sorry to hear that  I hope you'll soon get well.

4.(   )“Hello.Tom! I     you      here. How long have you been here? “I have been here for ten minutes.”

A.don't know, are       B.didn't know, were

C.didn't know,are       D.don't know, were

5.(   )“What's the matter with him?”“      

A.He is out.          B.I'm going to call him.

C.He is clever.        D.He's broken his arm.

6.(   )“Help yourself to some meat.”“       .”

A.Sounds nice         B.Yes, please

C.Yes, let's help each other  D.Thank you

7.(   )“You are not free now, are you?”


I have a little work to do.”

A.Yes I'm free           B.No, I am

C.No,I am not         D.Yes, I'm not

8.(   )“How about going for a walk?”“       .”

A.I'll walk home        B.Walking is a kind of exercise

C.That's a good idea      D.It'll take me 10 minutes to have a walk

9.(   )“    ?”“Tall and black.”

A.What's Bob          B.What's Bob like

C.Who is Bob          D.How is Bob

10.(   )“Would you like to come to dinner this evening?”

“I'd like to,     I have a lot of work to do.”

A.and     B.so         C.but        D.as[ZK)]



10.This isn't my blouse.(改为复数)

      aren't our    .


9.Peter taught himself maths.(改为同义句)

Peter     maths all             .


8.They can't open their eyes.(同义改写)

They must     their eyes    .


7.Kate was born in Australia.(提问)

         Kate born?


6.Mike wrote a letter to his friend last night.(变否定句)

Mike         a letter to his friend last night.


5.Lucy usually goes to school by bike.(变一般疑问句)

      Lucy usually      to school by bike?


4.The flower is very beautiful.(变感叹句)

           the flower is!

