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(  )1 I usually go to school_______ bike.  A by     B with    C on

(  ) 2 There _____ some milk in the bottle.  A are     B is      C am

(  ) 3 There is _____ old woman at the gate.  A a    B an      C the

(  ) 4 Whose jacket is this?  Maybe it’s _____.  A Lily  B Lily’s  C Of  Lily

(  ) 5 This is Kate. She is ________ America.  A beside   B on   C from

(  ) 6 Can you see the dictionary? __________.

A Yes, he can.     B No, I can’t.  C No, I don’t.

(  ) 7 What are you doing here? I’m waiting ____ Bob.  A in  B for   C at

(  ) 8 Her aunt _____ the room.  A am cleaning   B cleaning   C is cleaning

(  ) 9 Where _____ Jane and Mary going?  A are   B is    C am

(  ) 10 What’s that in your hand?  It’s _______ egg.  A a   B an   C the

(  ) 11 Tom isn’t ______ home.   A in     B to      C at

(  ) 12 How old ________ Li Yan ?  A am     B is     C are


(  )1 当你向别人介绍自己时,说

    A  This is Peter.    B  I’m Peter.     C  Nice to meet you.

(  ) 2 当你想知道别人认识多少单词时,问

A How much English words do you know?

B How many English word do you know?

C How many English words do you know?

(  ) 3 当你告诉别人“我有一辆白色自行车”时,说

A I like a white bike. B I have a white bike. C There is a white bike in my house.

(  ) 4 你想知道现在几点时,问

A What’s this?      B What is it like?   C What time is it?

(  ) 5 你想知道对方在干什么时,问

A What are you doing?    B What will you do?  C What would you like?

(  ) 6 当你想知道别人是否喜欢这个新足球时,问

A Do you like playing football?      B I like the new football.

C Do you like the new football?

(  ) 7 当你捡到一本词典,寻找失主,问

A Who’s that?    B Whose dictionary is it?  C This dictionary is mine.

(  ) 8 当你打电话时想知道对方是谁时,问

A Who’s he?     B Who are you?    C Who’s that?

(  ) 9 当你告诉别人“我喜欢制作模型轮船“时,说

A I like making a model ship.  B I like a model ship.  C I like a model ship.

(  ) 10 当你想对别人说圣诞节祝福的话时,说

A Happy Christmas!    B Merry Christmas!   C Many thanks.


( who  blackboard   eyes  teacher  an  there )

1 I can see with my _______.    2 _______is that? That’s Jim’s father.

3 Miss Li is our Chinese_________.  4 Clean the __________,please.

5 What’s this? It’s ________ eraser.  6. ________ is a pen on the desk.


(今天莉莉到姑姑家,感到饿了……) (Lily-L  Aunt-A)

L: I am hungry.  Please give me something to eat.

A But there’s no chicken here.  
B How much chicken do you need?
C What’s your favourite food?
D Ok. Just wait a minute.
A: __________________

L: I like chicken very much.

A: ___________________

L: Can you buy some for me?

A: ____________________

L: About half a kilo.

A: __________________

L: Thank you ! I’m waiting for you.


How much
How many  
1        day is it today?

2         is the mirror?

3         rice do you want?

4         doctors are there in the hospital?

5         will your mother come here?



Dear Lisa:
I want to talk  to you about my neighborhood.                
Li Yang



I enjoy          a bench     the park.



Look     this photo.The man               is my father.



Let me     you how to          the airport.

